- Draw on community palace, pavilions, houses and other buildings as a theme, using industry-foot straight line painting. 界画是以宫室、楼台、屋宇等建筑物为题材,采用界笔直尺划线的绘画。
- Be careful not to cross the line(= the broken line painted down the middle of the road). 小心别越过道路的中界线。
- Line and colour are both important in portrait painting. 线条和色彩在肖像绘画中都很重要。
- Not again clinging go up at be opposite of look line painted, more line of the look below exaggerated is today wintry popularity is apical. 不要再执著于对上眼线的描画了,更加夸张的下眼线是今冬的流行顶点。
- Present Situation of Applying Road Line Paint in China 我国道路标线涂料发展应用现状
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
- The printers have missed out a whole line here. 排版工人在这里漏掉了一整行。
- Participation in tender is in our line of business. 参加投标属于我们的业务范围。
- A long line of car is unable to pass that road hog. 一长串的车子无法超越那个挡道的汽车驾驶。
- The sale office is on line to the warehouse. 营业部与仓库的计算机联网。
- In contrast to the broken lines painted by conventional brush contact, Pollock had developed a technique in which he poured a constant stream of paint onto horizontal canvases to produce uniquely continuous trajectories. 传统笔触是一条条断开的线,对照之下,帕洛克发展出一种技巧,能够源源不绝将油彩倾灑在横展的画布上,从而创造出独特的连续轨线。
- How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- Place your right toe in line with your left heel. 把右脚趾与左脚跟排在一直线上。
- The line of flags was slung up between two trees. 一排旗帜悬挂在两棵树之间。
- My fishing line got entangled in some weeds. 我的钓鱼线同杂草纠缠在一起。
- See if you can get a line on the new man. 看你能否打听到新来人的情况。
- A lorry drove into a line of parked cars. 一辆卡车撞上了一排停著的汽车。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。