- Lingyan cave scenic spot 灵岩洞景区
- Black Dragon Pond, located in the Tianxinli scenic spot, Taoyuan Cave scenic area, is an 800-metre long and wonderful stream. 黑龙潭:位于炎陵县桃源洞风景区田心里景区,是一段长达七、八百米的极为壮观奇险的涧流。
- Adjacent to Wufeng Mountain scenic spot in the south, near Lingyan Temple in the North, with culture and nature beauty blended together, it is an ideal resort and amusement place. 会所按照十九世纪欧洲别墅风格设计,高档典雅。球场南依五峰山旅游区,比邻灵岩寺,汇自然情趣与历史文化一身,是理想的休闲娱乐和旅游度假胜地。
- The city is famed for its scenic spots. 该市以风景优美著称。
- Shall I take a picture of you in this scenic spot. 我在这个观光胜地替您照张相好吗。
- This lake has been a scenic spot for a long time. 这个湖泊久已成为一个风景区。
- Nahai guanyin is a great scenic spot . 南海观音是一个很棒的景点.
- What famous scenic spot does this city have? 这个城市有什么著名景点?
- QiXingHe wetland is a famous national scenic spot. 七星河湿地是全国著名旅游景点。
- This lake has been a scenic spot for a long time . 这个湖泊久已成为一个风景区。
- The newly-discovered scenic spot attracted flocks. 新发现的景点吸引了大批游客。
- Shenzhen Splendid China Miniature Scenic Spot. 深圳锦绣中华微观景观世界。
- WanShan Tower is another famous scenic spot. 万善塔是丹阳的又一景点。
- M: Yes. The scenic spot is strange to me. 是的。这个景区对我来很陌生。
- The Bund is Shanghai's most attractive scenic spot. 赏心悦目:外滩是上海最引人关注的地方。
- Nanyue mountain is a famous national scenic spot. 南岳是全国著名的风景名胜。
- Qingchuan Pavilion is another famous scenic spot. 晴川阁是武汉的又一景点。
- The lake has been a scenic spot for a long time. 这个湖泊早成为一个风景区。
- Is a well-known scenic spot in Jieyang. 可是揭阳有名的一处景观哪。
- Zhapo is the most famous scenic spot in China. 闸坡是一个非常有名的旅游景点。