- Liparis rostratan. 齿突羊耳蒜
- Heliconia rostrata (Musaceae).Conservatory, Hong Kong Park, Central, Hong Kong. 垂序蝎尾蕉(芭蕉科),中环香港公园温室。
- This is Heliconia Rostrata, commonly found in public parks and private gardens in Kuching, nick named "Fire Cracker Heliconia". 在古晋很常见到的蝎尾蕉,又称垂花赫蕉;但名字太难记了、我们爱称它为“鞭炮花”。
- Any of numerous small terrestrial orchids of the genera Liparis and Listera,having usually two basal leaves and a terminal cluster of greenish or purplish flowers. 羊耳蒜,双叶兰多种羊耳兰和叶兰属的小型陆生兰花中的一种,通常有一对叶片,顶端有一簇发绿或发紫色的花。
- Any of numerous small terrestrial orchids of the genera Liparis and Listera, having usually two basal leaves and a terminal cluster of greenish or purplish flowers. 羊耳蒜,双叶兰多种羊耳兰和叶兰属的小型陆生兰花中的一种,通常有一对叶片,顶端有一簇发绿或发紫色的花
- Growth, N-fixation and heavy metal accumulation of Sesbania rostrata transplanted on acidified Pb/Zn tailings in Lechang, Guangdong Province, were investigated. 设置移栽时营养杯的有无及其大小作试验,研究长喙田菁在乐昌铅锌矿强酸化尾矿上的生长、固氮和积累重金属情况。
- Liparis nervosa (Thunb.) Lindl. 羊耳兰
- Liparis nervosa Lindl. 羊耳兰
- Liparis sparsiflora Aver. 疏花羊耳蒜
- Liparis tschancii Schelecht. ,以 假鳞茎 入药。
- Sesbania rostrata and Other Stem-modulated Plants 毛萼田菁和其它茎瘤固氮植物(综述)
- Licmophora abbreviata var. rostratan. 短纹楔形藻喙状变种
- an orchid of the genus Liparis having a pair of leaves. 羊耳蒜属具有对生叶的一种兰花。
- Control of Browning of Spath Tissues of Cut Heliconia rostrata 金嘴蝎尾蕉切花苞片褐变的控制
- an orchid of the genus Liparis having a pair of leaves 羊耳蒜属具有对生叶的一种兰花
- Diseases prevention and treatment of cultured American eel, Anguilla rostrata 养殖美洲鳗鲡的主要疾病与防治
- an orchid of the genus Liparis having few leaves and usually fairly small yellow-green or dull purple flowers in terminal racemes. 羊耳蒜属兰花的任何一种,叶稀少,有预生总状花序,花较小,黄绿色或暗紫色。
- The experiment on tolerance of anguilla rostrata to water temperature salinity and pH: 美洲鳗鲡对水温、盐度和pH值的耐受性试验
- The Effect of Pb/Zn Tailings on Chlorophyll and Leghemoglobin Contents of Sesbania rostrata Stem Nodules 重金属胁迫对长喙田菁茎瘤豆血红蛋白和叶绿素含量的影响