- List of approved money brokers 核准货币经纪一览表
- Is there a list of approved casual workers? 有否拟定认可散工聘用名单?
- Is there a list of approved suppliers? 有否制定一份认可供应商的名单?
- To see the list of approved formats, go check SystemInfo. 也可以有很多条指令,数目没有限制。
- OMP and IGF-1 are not on the list nor are they on a list of approved additives. OMP和IGF-1两种物质虽未列入这一清单,但它们也未列入获准使用的食品添加剂清单。
- Contac was relatively new and for some reason wasn't yet on the Swedish governments list of approved drugs. 康泰克是一种比较新的药,而且不知什么原因,还没被列入瑞典政府批准的药品名录。
- Details of the rules for administration of the List of Approved Contractors for Public Works are described in Works Branch Technical Circular No. 7 97. 有关公共工程认可承建商名册的管理规则,详载于工务科技术通告第7 97号。
- The List of Approved Charitable Institutions and Trusts of a public character and the information pamphlet on charities are also available on our Home Page. 市民可浏览本局网页,查阅认可慈善机构及信托团体名单及有关慈善团体的资料小册子。
- The agency, which treated more than 5 million military veterans last year, removed the drug from its "formulary," or list of approved drugs, on October 5 the paper said. 10月5日的报刊登载,去年用文迪雅治疗500多万军队老兵的一个机构,从他的“处方列表”或批准使用的药物清单中,取消这种药物。
- The applicant should be registered under the Societies Ordinance or incorporated under the Companies Ordinance or formed by statute or registered on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character. 申请团体必须已根据社团条例或公司条例注册立案,或已根据法例成立,或已注册为认可慈善机构或公共性质的信托团体。
- Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national institution. 与其各省自行制定药品采购清单,拥有自己的机构、程序和有限的议价能力,倒不如集中各自掌握的资源,与渥太华一道成立一个全国性的机构。
- To embed images just put them available on the web using one of the approved formats, and they will get inlined automatically.To see the list of approved formats, go check SystemInfo. 其实只要你的脑筋稍活动一下,略微移动一下脚步往后退一点,你就可以发现,你周围还有那么广大的世界,这世界并不因任何人一点小小的不幸,而停止活动。
- CDER requests that a current list of approved chemistry, manufacturing and control information be provided yearly in the Annual Report to better document the changes occurring in applications. CDER要求已批准的化学,制造和控制信息的最新列表在年度报告中逐年提供。最好将申请文件中发生的变更文件化。
- His name was deleted from the list of candidates. 他的名字被从候选人的名单上除去。
- The police have compiled a list of suspects. 警方已编制了涉嫌者名单。
- Here is a detailed list of our offer. 这是我们的一份报价清单。
- Read over that list of names for me, please. 请把那份名单给我念一遍吧。
- The society publish its list of member annually. 该协会每年出版其会员名单。
- List of approved and disapproved Web sites:, L 许可和未许可的网站列表
- The deal needs the government's seal of approval. 这一交易需经政府批准。