- Of our three species of native woodpecker, by far the most frequent drummer is the great spotted, though green and the rare lesser spotted woodpeckers also drum. 英国布谷鸟有三种主要的“本地物种” :苇莺,草地鹨和篱雀 。
- Little Spotted Woodpeckern. 小点斑啄木鸟
- Lesser Spotted Woodpeckern. 小斑啄木鸟
- A charming little spot you have here. When does the concert start? 多可爱的一个小棚子。音乐会什么时候开始啊?
- We watched the lapwings arrive and followed the spotted woodpecker as he ran from hollow branch to hollow branch in a battle of the drumrolls with the male next door. 我们看着麦鸡来了,我们跟着花斑啄木鸟,看它从一个树枝跳到另一个树枝和隔壁的雄鸟比拼咚咚咚的声音。
- To cure dandruff, you massage the little spot just behind your big toenail. 要治疗头皮屑,你可以通过按摩大拇趾趾甲背后的一小点区域。
- He painted some bees with little spots of color. 他在一些蜜蜂身上点上颜色。
- The little spotted puppy felt warm,but the little vole was cold and hungry.and there was nothing left to eat in his bag. 小花狗不冷了,小田鼠却又冷又饿,包里也没有可以吃的东西了。
- Dendrocopos major Great Spotted Woodpecker 大斑啄木鸟
- Griz was lying down with the bucket between his forepaws,eating,when I noticed a little spot of orange coming out of the blackberry brambles inside the grizzly's pen. 灰熊正躺着,前爪抱着桶吃着东西,我突然看见有一个桔黄色的东西从黑刺莓灌木丛里闪出,钻进了灰熊的笼子。
- Great Spotted Woodpecker ( Picoides major) 大斑啄木鸟
- But since the porter agreed with him, she rang up her daughter and asked for her help in what she described as a little spot of bother. 但既然看门人也同意他的意见,她只得打电话向女儿求援,说她碰到了一点儿小麻烦。
- great spotted woodpecker (Picoides major) 大斑啄木鸟
- Just like a deteriorated apple, there is a little spot at first, then enlarge gradually, until it is rotten to the core. 就像一个变质的苹果一样,总是先有一个小小的斑点,然后慢慢扩大,最后整个苹果都烂掉。
- This opulent little spot on a funky little strip fills its plush booths with lovely, lithe young things who are heavy on the hair product and light on the attire. 这个丰富的小的斑点在质朴一点小条用是重的在护发产品和光在服装的可爱,易弯的年轻事填装它的长毛绒摊。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- We all have our little weaknesses. 我们都有些小缺点。
- His letter irritated me a little. 他的信使我有点恼怒。
- She then used their close relatives. lesser spotted dogfish. for further research at Aberdeen University. 她然后在阿伯丁大学用他们的亲近亲戚.;较少的有斑点的角鲨鱼之一种