- Local frequency selection 本振频率选取
- The core part of the circuit is differential and frequency selection. 电路核心部分由微分电路和选频电路组成。
- The Brillouin frequency shift can be precisely measured by changing the local frequency and adopting narrow filter. 通过改变本地电信号的频率对信号进行扫描和窄带滤波,从而实现了布里渊频移的精确测量。
- The underestimation of phase slope was overcome via local frequency estimation.The FEM could easily handle any irregular shape problem domain. 引入局部频率估计解决了相位展开的“坡度欠估计”问题,使用有限元方法利用了其可以适应任意不规则区域求解的特性。
- The generator of adaptive FH pattern is designed.By using it and the result of the LQA, adaptive frequency selection is accomplished. 设计了自适应跳频图案发生器,利用信道质量评估结果,完成了自适应频率选择。
- All frequency injections of the receiver are controlled by a phase-locked digital synthesizer which allows incremental frequency selection in 10, 1 and 0.1 MHz steps. 接收器的所有频率注入在状态之前被控制-锁了允许第10;1和第0.;1个百万赫兹步骤的逐渐增加的频率选择的数传合成器。
- The superficial layers are often frequency selective to transmission. 表层传播一般都有频率选择性。
- Secondly, it introduces the frequency selection, EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility), the basic generation theory and modulation of the third civil signal(L5 signal), including LS ranging code, Forward Error Correction, QPSK modulation and Neuman. 其次,介绍了其信号的频段选择、电磁兼容性及其调制和产生的基本原理,包括L5测距码、卷积码、QPSK调制以及Neuman.
- Recommends a principle and method of frequency selection range fixation in order to control the reliability of fuze action through the adoption of sampling discrimination in frequency modulated fuzes. 推荐一种利用采样鉴相技术在调频测距引信中进行选频定距、控制引信可靠作用的原理与方法。
- automatic local frequency control 本机频率自动控制, 自动本机频率控制
- We get finally a multilayered LTCC three-stage bandpass filter with a small size and high frequency selectivity. 通过上述场与路相结合的设计方法,获得了尺寸小、频率选择特性好的多层LTCC三级带通滤波器。
- It is characterized by good frequency selectivity, low insertion loss and high attenuation of specified frequency. 它具有频率选择性好,通带插损低,对陷波频点抑制较高的优点。
- Frequency selective surface (FSS) is a two-dimensional periodical structure and used mostly in the filter. 频率选择表面(FSS)是一种具有二维周期性结构的滤波结构,主要在滤波器上使用。
- Jakes frequency selective fading channel model complete source code, has been tested. (译):杰克斯频率选择性衰落信道模型的完整的源代码,已经过测试。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。
- A novel design method for frequency selective surfaces(FSSs) in application of a double curved streamlined radome is presented in this paper. 提出并发展了一种适于任意双曲率曲面雷达罩的FSS设计方法。
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。
- In order to realize wideband filtering properties of frequency selective surface (FSS), FSS of closely packed elements is presented. 为了实现频率选择表面(FSS)的宽带滤波特性,本文给出了单元紧密排布的FSS结构。