- Some local government officials have delusions of grandeur far in excess of their actual value to the community. 一些地方政府官员对自己的夸大妄想,远远超出了他们对社区产生的实际价值。
- It is very important to assess local government officials. 摘要对政府领导干部的考核是各级政府考核工作中的重要一环。
- Spanish police and local government officials were unavailable for comment. 西班牙警方和阿利坎特市的政府官员还没有就此事发表评论。
- Overweight local government officials in Japan have slimmed down with a three-month "samurai" diet. 体重超标的日本地方政府官员经过三个月的“武士餐”减肥,终于成功瘦身。
- Local government officials may also insist on the issuance of death certificates. 当地的政府官员也可能坚持要求签发死亡证明。
- On store opening day, local government officials supportively came forth to greet. 店铺在开业之际,当地的政府相关领导们专程前来祝贺。
- The collapse of the big newly-built bridge led to criminal prosecution against an engineer and two local government officials. 新造的大桥坍塌了,一名工程师和两名地方官员为此受到刑事起诉。
- Local government officials, including safety officials and Communist Party leaders, collaborated in the cover-up, Xinhua said. 新华社说,包括安全和党政部门负责人在内的当地政府官员串通掩盖事实真相。
- The collapse of a bridge make the local government officials sit up and take notice. It also urged them to make the decision to inspect all the bridges being built. 一座桥的倒塌引起地方官员的警觉,并促使他们决定视察所有正在兴建的桥梁。
- The local government officials took various measures to civilize people to recover the reigning order, which provided precondition for the appearance of "Tongzhi Resurgence". 各级地方官员为尽快恢复统治秩序,采取各种措施教化民众,为“同治中兴”局面的出现提供了前提条件。
- Builders have become billionaires, local government officials have found a bountiful source of revenue and young professionals have found a new recipe for romance. 建筑商成为了亿万富翁,当地政府官员找到了财政税收的充足来源,同时年轻的职业人士找到了浪漫的新秘诀。
- In the center of town, a woman said she had called local government officials 10 times to plead for help in rescuing her son and mother, but no one had come. 在市中心,一名女人说她已经十次拨通当地政府电话,要求派人帮助营救她的儿子和母亲,但没有人过来。
- The core reasons for this are institutional, relating to the incentive structure for local government officials and the limited powers and independence of the MEP. 造成这一状况的主要原因是体制上的问题,这与地方政府官员的激励机制、以及环境保护部所受到的权力限制及其独立性有着很大的关系。
- At the time, some villagers faced questioning before Thailand's central bank and were accused by local government officials of plotting a secessionist revolt. 当时,部分村民接受了泰国中央银行的审问,当地政府官员还指控他们策划谋反。
- Since the promotion of individuals directly linked with their own achievements, the main local government officials showed strong "GDP worshipping" mentality is not surprising. 既然个人的升迁与自己的政绩直接挂钩,地方政府主要官员显示出强烈的“GDP崇拜”心态也就不足为怪。
- Workers at state-owned enterprises and local government officials joined rescuers from the army, medical services and police to sift through collapsed buildings for survivors. 国有企业员工和地方政府官员加入了军队、医疗队和警察的行列,一同在坍塌的建筑物中搜寻幸存者。
- Hospitable.The visiting delegation was overwhelmed by the hospitality extended by the local governmental officials. 来访的代表团受到当地政府官员热情的款待。
- In the second aggressive war against Tibet,the British army occupied Lhasa,and the 13th Dalai Lama was forced to flee from the city. The invaders compelled the Tibetan local government officials to sign the Lhasa Convention. 在第二次侵藏战争中,英军一度攻占了拉萨,十三世达赖喇嘛被迫出走,侵略者迫使西藏地方政府官员签订了《拉萨条约》。
- In the second aggressive war against Tibet, the British army occupied Lhasa, and the 13th Dalai Lama was forced to flee from the city. The invaders compelled the Tibetan local government officials to sign the Lhasa Convention. 在第二次侵藏战争中,英军一度攻占了拉萨,十三世达赖喇嘛被迫出走,侵略者迫使西藏地方政府官员签订了《拉萨条约》。