- Local japonica rice 地方粳稻
- A new japonica rice variety"Fengdao No. 高海拔粳稻新品种"凤稻17号"
- The heterotic patterns of, japonica rice were also established. 结果表明,西北粳、台湾粳、日本粳和韩国稻为优势生态类型;
- Angelica from 15 grams, 30 grams of motherwort, three eggs, 30 grams of japonica rice. 取当归15克,益母草30克,鸡蛋3个,粳米30克。
- The nitrate concentration, nitrification activities and AOB of Indica were always higher than those of Japonica rice. 种植扬稻6号的土壤NO3-浓度、硝化强度以及AOB数量总是高于农垦57。
- The japonica rice variety H1493, which shows more strong susceptibility to BPH than TNI, was used for transformation. 遗传分析表明Bph15
- NH4+-N affected the leaf NRA of Japonica rice seedlings (7 d) more apparently than that of Indica rice seedlings (7 d). 粳稻幼苗叶片NRA受NH4十的影响大,而釉稻幼苗叶片受影响小。
- From 30 grams of ginger, jujube 10, Eugenia 15 grams, 50 grams of japonica rice. 取生姜30克,大枣10个,高良姜15克,粳米50克。
- Title: Breeding and cultivation techniques of new japonica rice variety Tongyujing No. 关键词:水稻;选育;高产;栽培技术
- Note:Data in the up-right belong to indica rice; data in the down-left belong to japonica rice. 注:表的左下方为粳稻数据,右上方为籼稻数据。
- But in the rising time of japonica rice price,the mutual influence of both is then greatly strengthened. 而在粳米价格上涨时期,两者之间的相互影响则大大加强。
- Indica rice had higher nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and glutamine synthetase activity (GSA) than Japonica rice in 1 mmol. 其中,扬稻6号生长最优,农垦57最差,扬稻总氮含量显著高于农垦,说明扬稻对硝态氮的吸收利用效率高于农垦。 籼稻体内的NRA显著高于粳稻,说明籼稻对硝态氮的同化能力优于粳稻。
- Treatable coronary heart disease: Hawthorn, the brown sugar 30g, Chi Xiaodou 60 grams, 50 grams of japonica rice into pot boiled Xi Yu. 可治疗冠心病:将山楂、红糖各30克,赤小豆60克,粳米50克放入锅中煮成稀粥。
- Amylose contents(AC) of 50 cultivars(lines) in japonica rice were determined,with grains and flours of brown and milled rice respectively. 对50份日本粳稻品种(系)分别以糙米、精米的粒体和粉体四种形态为试验材料,作了直链淀粉含量分析。
- Japonica rice is our staple food,and its yield has been raised to great extent through co-operation breeding study for 20 years. 20多年来的晚粳育种协作攻关,使晚粳稻产量有了很大提高。
- Intraspecies variation analysis reveals that Expression of OsInlk2 existed in Indica type rice, while it was not exist in japonica rice. OsInlk2的种内表达分析表明,OsInlk2在籼稻和粳籼杂种中表达,但是在粳稻中不表达。
- Xu Z J, Chen W F, Zhang W Z, Zhou S Q, Liu L X, Zhang L B, Yang S R.New plant type breeding for super-high yielding in northern japonica rice. 徐正进;陈温福;张文忠;周淑清;刘丽霞;张龙步;杨守仁.;北方粳稻新株型超高产育种研究进展
- The indica rice tends to be more thermotolerant than japonica rice according to the change of morphological symptoms and physiological assay. 本试验选用22个不同籼、稉型水稻品种,先进行高温逆境下外观变化及四种生理指标之测定,结果显示籼稻对高温之耐受性普遍较稉稻佳。
- Japonica rice and conventional rice held the higher resistance to rice bacterial leaf blight than indica rice and hybrid rice did, respectively. 粳稻品种(系)对白叶枯病的抗性比籼稻好;常规稻对白叶枯病的抗性明显比杂交稻好;
- When all the rice varieties were divided into indica and japonica subspecies, it was found that 80.5% of indica rice and 67.0% of japonica rice showed GG genotype. 籼稻中80.;5%25属GG型;粳稻中67