- London clearing banks [经] 伦敦清算银行
- London clearing bank 加入伦敦票据交换所的清算银行,伦敦清算银行
- Foreign banks, began to locate major branches in London to the detriment of the clearing banks. 外国银行为了与英国清算银行竞争,开始在伦敦设置主要分行。
- Depositors are of special importance in the clearing banks. 在清算银行中,储户具有举足轻重的地位。
- There was a growing tendency for big business to bypass clearing banks in the lending and borrowing process. 大企业在存款或借款过程中有绕过清算银行的趋势。
- It is a tribute to the meticulous planning and execution by the participating banks and the clearing bank that all went smoothly. 经过各间参与银行及清算银行精心筹划及执行,一切进行顺利。
- The clearing bank will also pay interest on the deposits from the participating banks, which will in turn pay interest to their depositors. 该中心支行将向清算行支付存款利息,而清算行亦付利息给参加行,而参加行则付息给存户。
- This was developed at our initiative and in conjunction with the then Clearing Bank of the Hong Kong Association of Banks HKAB. 这个系统是由金管局主动发展,并与当时的香港银行公会结算银行合作推出。
- As the value of the securities they hold falls, clearing banks have an obligation to demand more collateral to avoid losses. 随着它们持有的证券贬值,清算银行有责任要求贷款人提供更多抵押品,以避免亏损。
- The PBoC will consult the HKMA and conduct regular appraisals in relation to the services provided by the Clearing Bank. 人行会谘询金管局,定期对清算行的服务作出评核。
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。
- The PBoC will invite banks interested in taking up the role of clearing bank to submit applications for such a position through the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. 人行将透过金管局邀请有兴趣担任香港人民币业务的清算行的银行的申请。
- As the value of the securities they hold falls, clearing banks have an obligation to demand more collateral to avoid losses.But in doing so, they could destabilise a competitor. 清算银行作为交易双方的中间人,提供的服务包括抵押品估值、交易进行期间的现金交接等。
- I want a cottage within reach of London. 我想要一幢靠近伦敦的小屋。
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。
- Rex Mackay and Catherine Singer work in the international trade and banking division of a British clearing bank. 雷克斯?麦凯和凯瑟琳?辛格同在一家英国清算银行的国际贸易银行部共事。
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。
- This ship plies between London and Australia. 这艘船定期往返于伦敦和澳大利亚之间。
- BOCHK was appointed by the People's Bank of China as the clearing bank for Renminbi-denominated businesses in Hong Kong and remained the leader in Renminbi-denominated businesses in Hong Kong. 同时,作为中国人民银行指定的香港人民币清算行,中银香港始终保持香港人民币业务的市场领导地位。