- Look for signs and foretells 到处寻找标记和预兆
- A second experiment was designed to look for signs of catabolism. 第二个设计的实验是企图寻找分解代谢的迹象。
- Doctors also need to follow pregnancies closely to look for signs of growth delays in the fetus. 医生们也需要在孕期中严密监控胎儿出现的发育迟至征兆。
- We must look beyond for signs of change. 我们应该把目光放远,看到变化的迹象。
- The old peasant looked to the sky now and then for signs of rain. 老农民不时望天,看看有无下雨的迹象。
- Each Viking lander's arsenal of scientific instruments included an experimental package designed to look for signs of life. 每艘海盗号着陆舱的科学仪器室里都有一套为寻找生命迹象而设计的实验装置。
- At the time of selection, look for signs of sickness such as fever, increased breathing rate, and diarrhea. 选牛时,要查看它是否有发烧,呼吸急促和腹泻的症状。
- U.S. housing data will also be in focus as the market looks for signs of bottoming on housing recession. 美国楼市数据也成为焦点,市场继续寻底。
- Residents were asked to look for signs that dikes may be taking on water and call authorities if they see a problem. 政府要求市民们密切留意堤坝承受洪水的情况,一发现问题立刻通知当局。
- However, Mr.Detrick looks for signs of skepticism when deciding if an IPO stock is worth buying. 不过,德特里克在决定是否值得买进一只新股时寻找的是怀疑的迹象。
- Each Viking lander's arsenal of scientific instruments included an experimenal package designed to look for signs of life. 每艘海盗号着陆舱的科学仪器室里都有一套为寻找生命迹象而设计的实验装置。
- We're finding dozens of sites where future missions can land to understand if Mars was ever habitable and if so, to look for signs of past life. 我们正在查找几十个地点,未来的飞行任务可以土地要了解火星,如果是以往任何时候都可居住若然,寻找的迹象,过去的生活“ 。
- The boy look for a job have testimonial from his teacher and former employer. 那个找工作的小伙子有他的老师和以前的雇主的推荐信。
- Lipkin has begun testing blood serum from the Minnesota patients to look for signs of an immune reaction to components of pig brain. “Lipkin”开始测定该州这些患者的血清,以寻找对猪脑产生免疫反应成分的迹象。
- It said doctors should look for signs of the brain disorder when they examine babies at eighteen months and twenty-four months. 它说当医生们对个月的婴儿体检时应该观察大脑是否有紊乱的迹象。
- Look for signs of injury such as bleeding, swelling, deformity, or signs of illness such as a raised temperature and/or a rapid or an irregular pulse. 寻找受伤的迹象例如流血;肿胀;破损等;或者寻找生病的迹象如体温升高;脉搏加速或不正常等.
- He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。
- I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. 看哪,我与耶和华所给我的儿女,就是从住在锡安山万君之耶和华来的,在以色列中作为豫兆和奇迹。
- Behold, I and the children whom the LORD has given me are for signs and wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, who dwells on Mount Zion. 看哪、我与耶和华所给我的儿女、就是从住在锡安山万军之耶和华来的、在以色列中作为豫兆和奇迹。