- Looking for Treasures at Night 夜幕寻宝记
- Many wild animals prowls at night looking for something to eat. 许多野生动物在夜间巡游来寻找食物。
- Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat. 许多野兽在夜间巡行以找寻食物。
- He went to the island looking for treasure. 他到小岛上去寻找宝藏。
- They'll put me up for treasurer at the next committee meeting. 在下次委员会上,他们将提名我为司库。
- It was terribly cold in Hong Kong at night, I was dashing across the streets looking for Jay collectiables, and finding things to eat. Thats too diao for me. 晚上的香港冷得要命,我们半夜在路上跑来跑去找杰伦的东西,找东西吃。真的太吊了吧。
- Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure. 那些寻找财富的人造成了很多破坏。
- Do you ever take the subway alone late at night? 你有没有在深夜单独乘过地铁?
- He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。
- We used to hear the train whistle at night. 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。
- At night we bank up the fire for fun. 夜间我们燃起篝火做游戏。
- I happened on just the thing I'd been looking for. 我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。
- This music's easy on the ear late at night. 这音乐夜晚听起来很好听。
- He is looking for job in the hotel industry. 他正试着在饭店找份工作。
- I will beware of strong tea at night. 我要注意晚上不喝浓茶。
- I'm looking for a permanent appointment. 我正在寻找固定的工作。
- Police patrol the streets at night. 警察晚间在街道上巡逻。
- I'm not looking for trouble in any shape or form. 我压根儿就不是在自找麻烦。
- He's afraid of going out/to go out alone at night. 他害怕夜晚独自出去。
- Children look for treasure in the wine jugs that their mothers will use for storing dried turnips. 一排排躺著的陶甕,是妈妈预备装萝卜乾的,这会儿变成孩子们的寻宝箱了。