- Looms for terry weaving 毛圈组织织机
- In this paper,drawbacks of domestic terry weaving machines are enumerated by analysesand comparisons. 本文对国内各类毛巾织机进行了分析和比较,指出了它们共同存在的问题。
- You might also send me patter of any new linings in stock or on the looms, for the ring. 请寄给我们春季用的衬料新品种样品,库存或现生产中的布料均可。
- a loom for weaving figured fabrics. 织出华丽织品的织布机。
- AUTUMN should be looming for Libya's ageing patriarch. 随着年纪渐长,利比亚领袖也将迎来他的秋天。
- Further complicating matters is Alice's guilty realization of a growing fondness for Terry,her protector and her husband's potential savior. 令事态进一步复杂化的是,艾莉丝负疚地意识到对特里--自己的保护神和丈夫潜在的救星--与日俱增的爱慕。
- Comez: new weaving loom for velvet ribbons 新型丝绒带织机
- Terry has been going out with Sharon for six weeks. 特里和沙伦相恋有六个星期了。
- And it was the shock sight of Scotland thrashing the Faroe Islands 6-0 which provided the final motivation for Terry and his team-mates. 正是因为惊视于苏格兰6-0狂扫法罗群岛的比赛,才给了特里和他的队友们最终的动力决心。
- The feasibility of magnetic printing manufacture for terry fabric with tie dyeing imitation effect is expounded. 通过对图案描稿、制版、印花、后处理等精心设计与研究 ,阐明了仿扎染毛圈织物磁棒印花生产技术的可行性
- Used for various types of rapier looms for stopping operation in case of broken weft. 用于各种型号的剑杆织机在织机发生断纬时控制织机停车。
- For Terry Quinn, Strange's questions are a chance to absolve his conscience and shake out a little truth. 我的曾祖父是海盗,其它的祖先有的出身于马戏团,有的是偷马贼。”
- As for Terry, he is close to signing a new contract which will make him the highest paid player in English football. 至于特里,他很有可能和俱乐部签下一份新的合同,这将使他成为英国足球中工资最高的球员。
- Usage: This detector is applied to various types of rapier looms for stopping operation in case of broken weft. 产品说明:用途:本检测器用于各种型号的织机在断纬、完纬时控制主机停车之功能。
- The specter of elimination from the tournament in the first round for the second straight time looms for France. 法国是98年世界杯的得主,02年却没进一球、第一轮比赛中就被淘汰回家了。今年法国队又悬了。
- You might also send me patterns of any new linings in stock or on the looms, for the spring. 请寄给春季用的衬料新品种样品,库存或现生产中的布料均可。
- The Circular Loom for antiskid woven bag is a new type of Circular loom,it adopts the weaving technology of tape jumping to weave the woven bag with rough surface. 防滑塑编袋圆织机是我厂开发制造的又一种新产品。本机采用跳线的编织工艺,编织表面粗糙的编织袋。
- The fabric was weaving at her loom. 她的织布机正编织着这些织物。
- The 'lie-gate' saga has continued to be a topic in the Bahrain paddock, as McLaren's World Motor Sport Council grilling looms for next Wednesday. 的'谎言门'事件仍然是一个话题在巴林的围场,作为迈凯轮车队的世界汽车运动理事会烤织机在下周三.
- The announcement of the new role comes as disgraced referee Tim Donaghy's July 14 sentencing looms for his role in a gambling scheme. 这个新职务的任命宣布是在污点裁判多纳蒂将因为他在赌球中的角色而被7月14日判决前发出的。