- In winter, the winter for love! Love for you? 冬天,冬天适合恋爱!适合恋爱么?
- When people trade off love for money, fame, power, someone sacrifices live for love, should it be worshipful? 当人们为金钱,名誉,地位等牺牲爱情的时候,一些人为爱情牺牲自己的生命,应该说是可敬,还是可悲?
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- Her love for him blinded her (to his faults). 她非常爱他以至(对他的缺点)丧失了判断力。
- You won't be blamed for playing cards for love. 没有人会责怪你打牌消遣。
- Kindness is easily mistaken for love. 善意很容易被误解为爱情。
- We couldn't find a hotel room for love or money. 我们怎麽也找不到一间旅馆客房。
- I pray thee, chide not; she whom I love now doth grace for grace and love for love allow; The other did not so. 请你不要责备我;我现在所爱的她,跟我心心相印,不像前回那个一样。
- He was sincere in his love for literature. 他对文学的爱好是很真诚的。
- He had an insatiable love for music. 他对音乐爱得入迷。
- If you win the bet, the car is yours for love. 你要是赌赢这车就归你了。
- His love for science will never die. 他对科学的热爱永不会消退。
- My mother's love for me was very great. 我母亲对我的爱是很深的。
- Our duty towards the Blessed Sacrament is to visit It gladly, to show towards It our reverence and our adoration, and return It love for love. 答:该喜欢朝拜圣体,在圣体台前,表现我们恭敬、钦崇,以爱还爱的心。
- His thoughts were inwrought with his love for her. 他的想法中夹杂着他封她的爱。
- Spending all my life to search for love Love for me is oppressive. I suffered hurt, experienced passion, but nothing can last, why? 内心独白:爱情,对于我来说,是一个沉重的话题,曾经有过受伤,也有过激情,但总不得长久,到底是为什么?
- As soon as they meet again his dormant love for her is rekindled. 他们一见面,他对她的旧情如干柴烈火般又重新燃起。
- She conceives love for the children. 她爱这些孩子。
- John headed the hospital's building campaign for love. 约翰凭个人兴趣无报酬领导着医院的建设事务。
- Following her graduation from College of William and Mary,Close broke into professional theater with the New Phoenix Repertory Company,making her Broadway bow in the lead role of a 1974 production of Love for Love. 从威廉玛丽学院一毕业,克洛斯就和新凤凰保留剧目轮演剧团一道闯进了专业剧院。1974年,她在《为爱而爱》中担任主角,首次在百老汇的舞台上露面。