- Low Altitude Drogue Delivery 低空拖靶施放
- Low Altitude Drogue 低空拖靶
- They were flying at a low altitude. 他们在做低空飞行。
- Visual Low Angle Drogue Delivery 可视低角度拖靶投放
- Flying at a low altitude is tough enough for experts, but deadly for beginners. 在低空飞行对专业人士来说都很困难,对新手则是致命的。
- The plane made a dive to a lower altitude. 飞机俯冲到较低高度。
- Parachute Low Altitude Delivery System 降落伞低空空投系统
- Low Altitude Air Delivery System 低空投送系统
- The equipments are RAMS3000 intergrade control and display system for all weather &low altitude flight. 设备有用于全天候和贴地飞行的RAMS3000综合控制与显示系统。
- A method based on SEA for effectiveness analysis of AWACS for low altitude early-warning is proposed. 对预警机的低空预警效能提出了一种使用SEA进行分析的方法。
- The air is not rare at low altitudes. 在低纬度地区,空气不会稀薄。
- Drop torpedoes from planes at a low altitude or they might go under the ship you are targeting. 低空投放鱼雷,否则鱼雷很可能扎进深海了。
- As a pilot, your task today is to do a very low altitude flight and attack the enemy troops on the ground. 作为一名飞行员,你今天的任务是做超低空飞行,并且打击敌人的地面部队。
- An available superwide FOV provides a HUD (Head-Up Display) image that can be used in low altitude flight at night. 在夜间低空飞行时,还可以超大视场角提供抬头显示图像。
- This enables the pilot to be saved from a catastrophic failure down to a reasonably low altitude. 这使试点保存从一个灾难性的失败归结为一个合理的低空飞行。
- Coming in with a skinful, as I usually did, it was like dropping suddenly to a low altitude. 进门时我通常都喝得大醉,一进来便好像突然来到了海拔低的地方。
- Orca Gun ships prowled the skies at a low altitude searching for the attackers, however, they had already withdrew. 水面舰艇枪在天空游逛低空搜索攻击;但是他们已经退场.
- On 3 July 1944 Katajainen flew in an enemy AA trap pursuing an Il-2M formation at low altitude. 1944年7月3日,卡塔雅南在低空追逐一队伊尔-2M飞机时落入敌人防空火力的陷阱。
- The epidemic areas and focus extend from low altitude region toward high altitude region. 疫区及疫源地从低海拔地区向高海拔地区蔓延;
- Habit: gliding and circling at high altitude or low altitude on the ground or surface to capture small insects. 习性: 在高空滑翔及盘旋,或低飞于地面或水面捕捉小昆虫。