- low voltage pulse reflection method 低压脉冲反射法
- Rapid application of an axial force completes the upset welds.The localized heating is in high current, low voltage pulses for which a homopolar welding generator is utilized. 文章摘要: Electric resistance welding provides localized heating for simultaneous upset welding of the copper bars and copper end rings of an electric motor cage rotor assembly.
- Low voltage rating power device. 低电压启动。
- Features: Low current, low voltage,low noise. 特点:低电流,低电压,低噪声。
- Low voltage driver and low current consumption. 拥有低电压驱动;低电流消耗的特性.
- Assembled safety and low voltage 24V heater. 并采用24V低压烙铁芯安全供电。
- Features: Low current, low voltage. 特点:低电流,低电压。
- Many parameters,such as current density,time on and off,pulse frequence,can be interceded in pulse electrolysis. 脉冲电解可以调解电流密度、电流的通断时间、脉冲频率等多个参数,为控制金属沉积层的质量和沉积速度提供了有力的手段。
- Pulse electrolysis is a new technology which can electrolyze with high current density and thus improve the quality and production of copper. 脉冲电流法电解精炼铜是一种新的生产方法,可以在高电流密度下制得质量合格的电解铜,可以提高电解铜的生产能力和质量。
- Electrical development engineer in low voltage apparatus. 电气开发工程师。
- It selected the anode copper of Wuhu refine factory,studied the technicalconditions of making high-pure copper by pulse electrolysis in a middle-sized cell. 选用芜湖冶炼厂的阳极铜,在实验室的中型电解槽内研究脉冲电解制备高纯铜的工艺条件。
- Low voltage is around the screen, creating a low-voltage AC field. 在屏的四周分布着低电压。形成一个低电压交流电场。
- Preliminary study of destruction of acetophenone in water by high voltage pulse discharges. 高压脉冲放电降解水中苯乙酮的研究。
- The results of UV, O3, Pulse electrolysis and O3-UV disinfection for the bacterial in the seawater shows that the reaction time is relatively long with single disinfection method. 采用紫外线 (UV)、臭氧(O3)、脉冲电解海水以及臭氧-紫外线(O3-UV)协同等方法对海水中的细菌进行消毒实验的结果表明,单独使用任何一种消毒方法均存在反应时间长的缺陷。
- Low voltage power line carrier automatic meter recording system. 低压电力线载波集抄系统。
- A novel miniaturization planar transformer for high voltage pulse is presented in this paper. 介绍了一种小型新颖的叠片式高压脉冲变压器。
- Magnetic interference can be a problem in low voltage circuits. 磁干扰亦会成为低压电路中的一个问题。
- High voltage pulse appears at collector of the Q1 is rectified by D1 and charged into C3. 高的电压脉膊在 Q1 的搜集家出现被 D1 订正而且被进入 C3 之内。
- JC low voltage various power and bases,clear/ftosted. JC低压卤素灯各种功率及灯头,清光/磨沙。
- The article suggests a new generating mechanism of High Voltage Pulse,and to develop a mini adjustable wide range high voltage switch pulser. 本文阐述了高压脉冲产生的新的机理,并用此思想制作了小型化、大动态脉宽可变的高性能高压开关脉冲源.