- Low lands along Huaihe River 沿淮洼地
- Low- lying area along Huaihe River 沿淮低洼区
- regions along Huaihe River in Anhui 安徽沿淮地区
- Regions along Huaihe River in Anhui Province 安徽沿淮地区
- On Means of Transportation in the regions along Huaihe River Valley in the Spring and Autumn Period 试论春秋时期淮河流域之交通
- Ecological Character in Locust Occurrence Area along Huaihe River in Funan County and its Control Countermeasure 阜南县沿淮蝗区生态特征及可持续治理对策
- Deep thought on countermeasures about sustainable development of flood storage areas along Huaihe River 关于沿淮行蓄洪区可持续发展对策的思考
- Is He Guanzi a Native of West Chu Along the Huaihe River? 冠子淮河西楚人考?
- The seasonal flood nourishes the land along the river. 季节性洪水为两岸的大地带来营养。
- The rains washed out fields and flooded low lands. 雨水冲刷田地,淹没低地。
- The low land should be ridged before they are used. 低地在使用前应先整成交替的垄和沟。
- The sea is gaining on the land along the coast. 海水在侵蚀着海岸。
- Area along Huaihe River 沿淮地区
- If low lands must be used for the bean crop, they should be ridged. 如果低地必须用于种植豆类作物, 就必须把地整成交替的垄和沟。
- the areas along Huaihe River 沿淮地区
- The spread of the sea over land along a subsiding shoreline. 海侵海洋沿着不断后退的海岸线向陆地的扩张
- His fellow soldiers buried him on the bank of the Huaihe River. 为了日后能找到张云亭,战友们将他埋葬在海河岸边,并立碑铭志,寄托哀思。
- Back East backer, of West Plains, Hsu is in the Huaihe River. 背东靠山,面西平原,里许便是淮河。
- Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. 多年前,一位农场主在大西洋海岸边有块土地。
- A faint yellow tone came into the sky over the low land. 低低的陆地上空,出现了昏黄的色彩。