- Luce Danzante Pinot Grigio IGT 丹泽特皮诺格力得-麓鹊酒园
- Pinot Gris, or Pinot Grigio, is considered a white grape, though its skin at harvest is really a greyish-pink color, hence the name. 灰品诺被认为是白葡萄,尽管在收获时这种葡萄的外观呈淡粉色,因此而得名。
- This Pinot Grigio exudes aromas of apricot, peach, pear and mandarin fruit with creamy vanilla bean character from lees aging. 品尝特征:这款皮诺格利德散发着杏儿,桃儿和梨的果香,与葡萄籽的接触有赋予了它香草的奶油气息。
- The wine is surprisingly long and broad on the palate, and evokes the memory of fresh, perfectly ripe pinot grigio grapes. 这佳酿出人意表地佔据整个味蕾并及在此暂留,同时引发出完美熟成灰皮诺葡萄的清新回忆。
- A light color with a prickly smell. A complex, heavy-body, and with different tiers of taste, yet lacks the vegetal taste of normal pinot grigio. 淡淡的色泽却有个呛鼻的香气。复杂浓郁多层次的口感,却少了点灰皮诺一般有的,清新的蔬菜味。
- Unfortunately for its reputation, there are many other Italian Pinot Grigio makers that overcrop and harvest early to produce crisp, but vapid wines. 不幸的是虽然有很好的名声,但是那里也有许多的酒农用高产的,较早收获灰比诺生产较为清爽却平淡的葡萄酒。
- Other popular and recognizable white wines are the Italian Pinot Grigio, the German Riesling and of course the Zinfandel. 其他常见的白葡萄酒还有:意大利的灰比诺、德国的雷司令和美国的白珍芳德。
- This smooth Pinot Grigio shows expressive fruit flavours and typical spicy aromas. Enjoy it well-chilled on its own or with dishes such as wild mushroom risotto. 这款口感圆滑的“灰皮诺”白葡萄酒有明显的水果香味和辛香气息。适合单独低温饮用,也可与意大利蘑菇肉汁烩饭搭配。
- Botter's range includes the classic wines from Veneto concentrating on single varietals such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, and from Puglia; 波特公司的产品多是一些经典葡萄酒。
- Vini Della Duchea Pinot Grigio 杜驰皮诺
- He could order a dinner almost as well as Mr. Luce. 他点菜的本领几乎可以与卢斯先生媲美。
- Luce is pessimistic about passing the examination. 露西对她能否通过考试感到悲观。
- A] Luce is a spokesman of Time Warner. 路斯是时代华纳公司的发言人。
- O Eterno, fa’ levare su noi la luce del tuo volto! 耶和华啊!求你仰起你的脸,光照我们。
- It is used in reds, particularly Pinot noir. 它用红、黑比诺特别。
- A variety of toast levels are used to make Pinot. 各级各类敬酒用来作比诺。
- Pinot Noir tends to be low in phenols. 黑比诺往往是低酚。
- Like any grape, Pinot enjoys well drained soils. 就像任何葡萄、排水良好的土壤比诺享。
- Luce: I met this girl... but she's with someone else. 我遇见了这个女孩,但是她有恋人。
- Red Burgundy is made from the Pinot Noir grape. 勃艮第红葡萄酒是由黑比诺葡萄酿制的.