- Lucile Grahn 格莱恩(1819-1907),丹麦人,舞蹈编导、芭蕾舞女演员。
- Lucile could be beautiful, gay and welldressed. 露西尔人很漂亮,性格开朗,衣着讲究。
- Lucile: Almost. They gave him a warning. 露塞尔:差不多了。他们警告了他一下。
- As I slid into bed, Lucile reached out to enfold me in her arms. 当我躺上床的时候,露西尔探身过来用双臂抱住我。
- Lucile: About an hour ago. Melanie's got a nice gaff, doesn't she? 露塞尔:大约一个小时前。梅勒妮弄了一套不错的房子,不是吗?
- Lucile: Nothing much really. Was out last night with Tim and the lads. 露塞尔:其实也没什么。昨晚与蒂姆以及他的几个哥们出去了。
- Lucile: Rightio. She's in the kitchen I think. I'll talk to you later. 露塞尔:好的。我想,她在厨房呢。一会儿我再跟你聊吧。
- Lucile: Hey Jeff! Where've you been lately? I haven't seen you around in ages. 露塞尔:嘿,杰夫!你最近去哪了?我可有些时候没看到你了。
- There I met a lovely young woman named Lucile and had the great good fortune to make her my wife. 在那里,我遇到一位叫做露西尔的可爱女子,而且娶了她做妻子,这真是我最大的幸福。
- There is a party in Melanie's house. Jeff arrives and sees Lucile sitting on the sofa. 在梅勒妮家有聚会。杰夫来了,看到露塞尔正坐在沙发上。
- When I began bolting my food and thrashing in my bed at night, Lucile tried to calm me. 当我开始狼吞虎咽地赶着吃东西并且在床上辗转睡不着的时候,露西尔设法使我平静下来。
- And over here, that's Sir Cosmo and Lucile, Lady Duff-Gordon.She designs naughty lingerie ,among her many talents.Very popular with the royals. 那边是科兹莫爵士和露西亚,达夫-戈登女士,她设计大胆的女内衣,这是她众多才能之一,很受皇家的欢迎呢。
- Severe stress can damage a child's brain, say researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. 斯坦福大学医学院和LucilePackard儿科医院的研究人员声称,严重应激能够损伤儿童的大脑。
- STANFORD, Calif.-- Seere stress can damage a child's brain, say researchers at the Stanford Uniersity School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. 加利福尼亚斯坦福斯坦福大学医学院和LucilePackard儿童医院的研究者宣称严重应激能损伤儿童大脑。
- Vasquez gained 20 pounds during pregnancy and delivered the 3 pound, 7 ounce baby on Jan. 24 at Stanford University's Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. 瓦斯凯瘦小而扭曲的体形无法给胎儿以足够的生长空间,因此在她生下蒂莫西的前几年曾两次流产。
- Nearly all children in families with incomes of more than $75,000 a year have home computers, according to a study by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. 根据大卫鲁西派克德基金会的调查,对于年收入超过75,000美元的家庭,几乎每家都给孩子买了个人电脑。
- As I slid into bed, Lucile reached out to enfold me in her arms 当我躺上床的时候,露西尔探身过来用双臂抱住我。
- Grahn 格兰
- Grahnén 格拉嫩
- nbsp; Vasquez gained 20 pounds during pregnancy and delivered the 3 pound, 7 ounce baby on Jan. 24 at Stanford Universitys Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital. 瓦斯凯瘦小而扭曲的体形无法给胎儿以足够的生长空间,因此在她生下蒂莫西的前几年曾两次流产。