- Lucky Soup in Bridal Chamber 洞房喜汤
- Do not know that the wedding actually will be so-called celebrating wedding in bridal chamber frenziedly! 首页>>图片猎奇>>想不到婚礼竟然会如此的疯狂闹洞房!
- Even to this day,the transmutation has already taken place in sex education,but as a kind of folk culture,playing in bridal chamber should be kept. 时至今天,闹洞房的性教育功能已发生嬗变,但作为一种民俗文化,则应该保留下来。
- Satisfactory type. Filament is pulled in bridal chamber housetop, on fasten some the chromatic balloon with differ size, indicative life and career harmony are satisfactory. 圆圆满满式。在洞房屋顶拉上细线,拴上些大小不一的彩色气球,象征生活与事业和谐圆满。
- From ancient times on,playing in bridal chamber has been taken as the most typical form of socialized sex education. Playing in bridal chamber is a great creation of society and has folk color with distinctness. 从我国古代开始,社会化的性教育采取了最有特点的闹洞房方式,这是一种伟大的社会创造,带有鲜明的民间色彩。
- That dish is too shallow to serve soup in. 那只盘子太浅了,不能盛汤。
- celebrate wedding in bridal chamber 闹洞房
- Mrs. Simpson made the best soup in town. 辛普森太太做的汤在小镇里是最好的。
- Playboy of the bridal chamber Anthurium nights .... 花花公子的洞房花烛夜....
- Reheat the soup in the microwave. 把汤放到微波炉里再热一热。
- The bridal chamber is sumptuously decorated. 新房的内装修十分豪华。
- Sour and spicy fish soup in earthern pot. 砂锅酸辣鱼。
- Unexpected bridal chamber is performed. 首页>>图片猎奇>>让人想不到的洞房表演。
- The dish is too shallow to serve soup in. 盘子太浅, 盛不了汤。
- So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be. 不久克里特将接纳收容你,那是养育了我的地方,我们的新房也将安的那里。
- She put the soup in the microwave. 她把汤放进微波炉里。
- She serve the soup in small bowl. 她用小碗盛汤。
- The soup in our dining hall is always very watery. 食堂的汤总是稀里光当的。
- We played the bride and bridegroom into the bridal chamber. 我们奏乐把新娘新郎迎进新房。
- The soup in the bowl is brimming over. 碗里的汤快漾出来了。