- Ludvig Dam 达姆
- The dam burst under the weight of water. 那水坝在水的压力下决口了。
- The village was swept away when the dam burst. 村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。
- A water power station must have a dam. 水电站必须有拦河坝。
- In case of flood, the dam can protect us. 在发洪水的时候,大堤可以保护我们。
- The lowest part, as of an embankment or a dam. 坡脚最底下的部分,如堤防或坝的
- The water deepened after the dam was built. 堤坝建成后水已加深。
- She tried to dam up her feelings. 她尽力控制自己的感情。
- They have decided to build a dam across the river. 他们决定在这条河上建一座水坝。
- They fortified the dam against the flood. 他们加固了堤坝以防洪水。
- People came in flocks to see the new hydraulic power station beside the dam. 人们成群结队地来参观水坝旁边新建的水电站。
- Millions of gallons of water are kept back by the dam. 这个堤坝拦住了滔滔的洪水。
- The dam is too weak to withhold the pressure of the rising water. 水坝不够牢固,抵挡不住水上涨的压力。
- The Aswan Dam helps to control the River Nile in Egypt. 阿斯旺水坝有助于控制埃及的尼罗河水。
- The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters. 水坝不太坚固,挡不住洪水。
- The dam eventually yielded and collapsed under the weight of water. 水坝在水的压力下终於决口。
- The Zuider Zee dam in Holland is an example. 荷兰的须德海大坝便是一例。
- This is a colt out of a good dam. 这是由良种的母马所生的驹子。
- A big lake will form at the back of that dam. 一个大湖将在那水坝的后面形成。
- A new dam is now being built at the valley. 河谷里正在建一座新水坝。