- Lunar Orbital Photo Craft 月球轨道摄像飞行器
- Solar perturbation of the lunar orbit. 出差由于太阳引力引起的月球轨道运动的摄动
- The farthest point on the lunar orbit is called apogee. 而绕月轨道里地球最远的点则为远地点。
- The booster was Saturn C-3 and the key technique was lunar orbit rendezvous. 采用萨杜恩C-3运载火箭,关键技术是月球轨道会合。
- This paper investigates the least maneuver velocity through the tolerable apolune and other lunar orbit elements. 另外,第一次近月制动失败后,卫星飞行大约15小时将飞离月球影响球。
- Abstract.The first orbit maneuver of lunar orbit insertion (LOI) must be implemented at the first perilune of the spacecraft flight to the moon. 摘要: 月球捕获控制第一次制动必须在卫星飞向月球的第一近月点完成。
- This Earthrise as well as the famous Earthrise captured 40 years ago by the crew of Apollo 8, only occurs for observers in lunar orbit. 这张地出图与40年前阿波罗8号拍摄的著名地出一样只能是处在月球轨道上才能看到。
- A view of the rising Earth greeting the Apollo 8 astronauts as they came from behind the moon after the lunar orbit insertion burn. 这个画面是月球嵌入轨道燃烧后阿波罗8号宇航员正好在月球后面时正赶上地球徐徐升起的场景。
- It too will be a larger ship than its predecessor, big enough to carry all four astronauts down to the surface while the mother ship idles empty in lunar orbit. 它也将是比它前任更为巨大的飞行船,大到足够运载四位宇航员下至月球表面(当母舰在绕月轨道腾空待用的时候)。
- The highly complex ‘lunar orbit insertion manoeuvre’ was performed from Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft Control Centre of ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network at Bangalore. 高度复杂的'月球轨道插入操纵'完成从月球- 1航天器控制中心,印度空间研究组织的遥测,跟踪和指挥网络在班加罗尔。
- Take particle-beam technology originally created to zap Russian missiles. Put it inside a spacecraft built by McDonnell Douglas. Now blast the whole package into lunar orbit with a mammoth Russian Proton rocket. 采用最初用来摧毁俄罗斯导弹的粒子束技术装置,把它装入由麦克道尼尔·道格拉斯公司生产的宇宙飞船上,用巨大的俄罗斯质子火箭,把整套粒子束装置送入月球轨道。
- China's burgeoning space program achieved another historic milestone during Wednesday's successful launch of the nation's first deep space probe on a one-year mission to study the moon from lunar orbit. 处在萌芽状态的中国太空计划取得又一个了历史性的里程碑,周三成功发射的这颗卫星将在月球轨道上工作一年。
- The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface. 宇航员驾驶宇宙飞船在月球表面降落。
- In one of the most crucial manoeuvres since the launch of India's maiden moon mission, Chandrayaan-1, ISRO scientists are slated to inject the spacecraft into the lunar orbit on Saturday. ISRO科学家在本周六继续执行探月计划。在经过一个自发射以来最重要的轨道调姿之后,担任印度首次探月任务的飞船“月船一号”将会进入月球轨道。
- Keep the sun behind you when you take a photo. 拍照时要让太阳留在你的身后。
- Apollo 8 was launched from Cape Kennedy (Cape Canaveral) and eventually completed 10 lunar orbits. 阿波罗8号太空飞船由肯尼迪角(卡纳维拉尔角)发射并且完成了10个绕月轨道。
- He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
- The launch will put India into an Asian space race, which last year saw Japan and China launch lunar orbiters. 继日本和中国去年先后发射了月球探测器后,印度也将藉此加入到亚洲的太空竞赛中来。
- Many a time have we come across this same photo. 我们多次都见到过这同一张照片。