- Luogang central district 萝岗中心区
- Alarm calls were placed to central district police and fire units first. 首先向市中心区警察当局和消防队发出警报。
- Arcadia Beauty Saloon Tel:2868 9187 Eubank Plaza, Central District... 美容-保健-中西区,香港岛-16三月
- With its central district located at the confluence of Jialing and Yangtze rivers, Chongqing is built on hilly land. 重庆中心城区为长江、嘉陵江所环抱,各类建筑依山傍水,错落有致,素以美丽的“山城”著称于世。
- Distinctions such as those between the White areas and the Red areas also usually exist between the borders and the central district of a base area. 根据地的边缘区和中心区的分别,也大体是如此。
- The central district used to be the county seat, therefore its economy is prosperous. 中心区由于曾是县治,因此经济比较繁荣。
- Renaissage Beauty Institute Tel:2810 1060 10 Pottinger Street, Central District... 美容-保健-中西区,香港岛-25二月
- On the other side, the underground space in central district became an act of conglomerating. 另一方面中心区地下空间 的大规模开发促进城市局部高强度开发,呈 团块状发展。
- MacDonnell Road, is a road in the Central district on Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. 麦当劳道(旧译麦当奴道)位于香港港岛中环半山区。道路西端连接花园道,东端则连接坚尼地道。
- The central district, which is about 120ha , is located in the northern part of southern district of Xifeng. 西峰南区中心区位于西峰南区的北部,面积约120公顷。
- This thesis focuses on a kind of design method for research of the central district public spatial form. 本课题研究主要探讨了关于城市中心区公共空间形态设计的一种方法。
- William Tam is promoted to Assistant Vice President, Agency Operations. He is also appointed as District Manager for the Central District in Manulife. 谭嘉骏获擢升为经销运作助理副总裁,同时获委任为宏利中区区域经理。
- The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens occupy a 5.35-hectaresite overlooking the Central District, and form the oldest public gardens in Hong Kong. 香港动植物公园占地5.;35公顷,是香港历史最悠久的公园。
- Besides, it's worthwhile stopping to visit the Pigeons grottoes and the archaeological sites of ancient ruins in the central district of the city. 此外,停下来参观鸽子岩穴和城市中部的远古废墟考古遗址也是值得的。
- The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens occupy a 5.35-hectaresite overlooking the Central District,and form the oldest public gardens in Hong Kong. 香港动植物公园占地5.;35公顷,是香港历史最悠久的公园。
- The first phase,covering the Central District,was launched in October as a major Year of Heritage event. The other phases will cover Sheung Wan,Western District and the Peak. 介绍中区的第一期文物径已于十月开放,是文物年主要活动之一,其余两期介绍上环和西区及山顶的文物径会在稍后时间开放。
- The choice of the site has been approved by the Town Planning Board, is consistent with the development of Central District and accords with the long-term public interest. 这选址经过城市规划委员会的批准,符合中区的发展方向和公众的长远利益,也是符合成本效益的。
- Central district program reserve central official business district, build post office, bank, commercial and staff apartment and hospital etc. Service facility. 中心区留有园区行政中心用地,根据发展需要建造园区办公大楼、邮局、银行、商业及职工公寓、医院等服务设施。
- The quickest connection between Hong Kong International Airport and Central district is the Airport Express railway, operated by the Mass Transit Railway Corporation. 从机场到香港岛和九市区,最快速便捷的是机场快,可于入境大厅正前方的月台搭乘,机场快。