- Luotuo Xiangzi 骆驼祥子
- Xiangzi couldn't bear to listen to this drivel. 祥子不能再听这些闲盘儿。
- Xiangzi said nothing. All he could do was shiver. 祥子没出声,只剩了哆嗦。
- Xiangzi sat down jerkily, his muscles taut. 祥子青筋蹦跳的坐下。
- Xiangzi was on the verge of tears. 祥子的泪要落下来。
- The old man sized Xiangzi up-he was no bandit. 老者又细细看了祥子一番,觉得他绝不是个匪类。
- Tui Xiangzi similar to the puzzle game. 类似推箱子的益智游戏。
- Xiangzi ran his rickshaw straight back to Harmony Yard. 他拉着车一直奔了人和厂去。
- Xiangzi really felt like dropping the rickshaw and finding shelter. 祥子真想硬把车放下,去找个地方避一避。
- Xiangzi shook his head. A pang shot through his heart. 祥子摇了摇头,心中刺着似的疼。
- Xiangzi was afraid that Gao Ma might be listening behind the door. 祥子唯恐怕高妈在门里偷着听话儿。
- Xiangzi, being a country boy, was not as glib as city-dwellers. 祥子是乡下人,口齿没有城里人那么灵便;
- Xiangzi, his head bung, didn't understand but began to feel afraid. 祥子晕头打脑的没甚听明白,可是有些害怕。
- Actually, it would be a good idea to adopt Xiangzi as your son. 其实有祥子这么个干儿子也不坏!
- It was growing colder and colder, but Xiangzi seemed impervious. 天是越来越冷了,祥子似乎没觉到。
- "Xiangzi" Gao Ma,, the Caos' maid-servant was calling him loudly. “祥子!”曹家的女仆高妈响亮的叫,“祥子!
- Laziness makes people irascible, and Xiangzi now grew pugnacious. 懒,能使人脾气大。 祥子现在知道怎样对人瞪眼。
- Tui Xiangzi game I think we all played! Needless to say I will! 推箱子游戏我想大家都玩过吧!我就不用多说了!
- Xiangzi barely had the strength to step across the threshold of the gate. 祥子几乎没有力量迈出大门坎去。
- Xiangzi felt as if choked by a gust of wind and swallowed several times. 祥子像被一口风噎住,往下连咽了好几口气。