- Lyudmila Shevtsova 舍夫佐娃
- The campaign for Lyudmila cost Mervyn his academic career. 为情人柳德米拉而奔走呼告的活动却促使茂文的学术事业付之东流。
- LILIA SHEVTSOVA: I'm looking at my son who is 19 years old, and I'm looking at other people, and I am amazed. 我看着我19岁的儿子,我也看其他的人,我感到很惊奇。
- First, he fell in love with Lyudmila, the frail, brainy daughter of a senior communist purged in the 1930s. 首先,茂文爱上了身体娇弱但聪明伶俐的柳德米拉。柳德米拉是一位曾在30年代遭受清洗运动迫害的俄共高级官员的女儿。
- Lyudmila adapted poorly to English life; her shy, spartan husband's grit in adversity proved greater than his husbandly capabilities. 柳德米拉在英国水土不服,而羞涩、清贫的茂文没能像在那段艰苦岁月中那样,表现出勇气和毅力来尽到身为丈夫的职责。
- Showing great reserves of determination, Mervyn Matthews spent the next five years running a threadbare but relentless campaign to get Lyudmila to Britain. MervynMatthews在此时表现出了巨大的决心,为了把Lyudmila带到英国,他接下来进行了五年虽微不足道却不屈不挠的抗争。
- “The arguments used by the Kremlin are extra-judicial and they reveal an extra-judicial way of thinking,” says Lilia Shevtsova of the Carnegie Moscow Centre, a think-tank. “俄提出的论点超出了法庭职权,而这也正好反映了他们是用相同的思维方式思考问题,”卡内基基金会莫斯科中心的丽莉娅?谢夫索娃说。
- “The Russian political system is based on the personification of absolute power and does not tolerate a division of formal and real power,” notes Ms Shevtsova. “对绝对权力的迷信是俄罗斯政治体系的基础,这个体系不容许对正式和真正的权力的分割。”
- Lyudmila Bragina 布拉金娜
- Lyudmila Kondratyeva 孔德拉季耶娃
- Lyudmila Rogachova 罗加乔娃
- Lyudmila Khvedosyuk 赫维多休克
- Lyudmila Turischeva 图里谢娃
- Lyudmila Pinayeva 皮纳耶娃