- He has lowered himself in my estimation. 依我看,他降低了自己的身份。
- In my estimation, he is a more suitable candidate. 我认为他是更合适的人选。
- MV estimation 运动估计
- Mr. Black stands high in the public estimation. 布莱克先生在公众中声望很高。
- He is equal to the job in my estimation. 据我看,他能胜任这项工作。
- His estimation of their arrival time is not far off. 他对他们到达时间的估计基本准确。
- Anyone can help me find this MV online? 任何人都可以帮我找到这个MV上网?
- MV Red Rose cannot repair damage. 轮不能修理受到的损坏.
- His estimation of their arrival time was not far off. 他对他们到达时间的估计基本准确。
- MV Red Rose in critical condition. 轮处在危急状况中.
- In my estimation, she will succeed in the examination. 据我看,她考试会及格的。
- MV Red Rose requires tug assistance. 轮需要拖轮协助.
- The dedicated doctor earned the estimation of his colleagues. 那位忠於事业的医生赢得了同事的尊敬。
- MV Red Rose will jettison cargo to refloat. 轮将抛弃货物以脱浅.
- In my estimation, the applicant is well qualified for this job. 据我看,这位应徵者完全具备这项工作的条件。
- The total momentum at this instant is thus mv. 因此,在该时刻的总动量为mv。
- Not Jay song, not even the right MV. 根本不是周董的新歌!!那是扯的mv--"
- It is the MV attacked me, not the song itself. 吸引我的不是歌本身,而是那个MV。
- The candidate's disclaimers confirm that we were right in our estimation. 那位候选人的否认证实了我们的判断正确。
- C7(sickness)and MV are tied up closely. C7(孩子患病)是MV未接种的主要原因;