- They reflect the charm of the culture of the Chu Kingdom. 这些精美的漆器体现了楚文化的神韵。
- Xiang embroidery was initiated in the Chu Kingdom of the Warring States Period. 湘绣创始于楚国,
- The concept of one's soul going up to heaven after death was very popular in the Chu Kingdom. 因为在当时的楚国,流行死后升天的意识,
- In 1949 a painting on white silk was unearthed in a tomb of the Chu Kingdom near Changsha in Hunan Province. 1949年,在长沙东南郊楚墓中发现了一幅画在白色丝帛上的绘画
- They are the earliest and most superb lacquerware of the Chu Kingdom of the Warring States Period. 这些漆器是楚墓中年代最早也是最为精彩的,
- It is heard that the King of the Chu kingdom is recruiting talented and able people. 听说楚国国君王正想方设法招纳贤士。
- A New View on Southward Movement of Chu Kingdom 西周楚国初封及南迁原因解
- Miscellanies on Official Seals from Chu Kingdom 楚官玺杂识
- Decorative Art of Bronze ware in Chu kingdom 楚国青铜器的装饰艺术
- the music world of the Chu Kingdom 楚国音乐国度
- Ma - Chu Kingdom 马楚政权
- another silk painting was found,also in a tomb of the Chu Kingdom. 在与其相近的一座楚国墓葬中又发现了另一幅帛画。
- He was allowed to proceed to an MA. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。
- He always does what his ma tells him to. 他总是很听妈妈的话。
- The king is the most important person in a kingdom. 国王是一个王国中最重要的人物。
- Wales was a vassal kingdom at that time. 那时威尔士是个附庸国。
- The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king. 王国的统治者称作国王。
- The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪国。
- He can not operate the ma chine. neither( nor) can I. 他不能操作这台机器。我也不能。