- Ma Yun bought madcap chip again 2007. 2007年马云又添狂妄筹码。
- This makes the excuse of those people that distain to Ma Yun. 比如,他承认到现在为止阿里巴巴对雅虎中国的整合仍然不算成功,“收购雅虎中国,我们得到的最宝贵的东西,不是搜索技术,而是并购经验。
- He looks for Ma Yun jabber, cloud letting a horse lets 51. 他找马云磨嘴皮子,让马云把51.
- This is Ma Yun's latter the most baronial conception. 这是马云近来的最宏大构想。
- Interesting is, of Ma Yun " Munchausen " often can become reality. 有趣的是,马云的“狂言”往往会变成现实。
- The result that brings about finally is Ma Yun's apotheosis. 他的所有傲慢都表现在他毫不掩饰自己的强大上,在其他方面他是待人接物的天才。
- Ma Yun wants brooklet of Jiang trickling sluggishly to collect the sea. 马云要将涓涓细流汇成大海。”
- But notable is, ma Yun overruled the mom in A to strike cogged plan. 但值得注重的是,马云否决了阿里妈妈打击作弊的方案。
- It is reported, ma Yun emphasized again in open letter " hibernate " dear sex. 据悉,马云在公开信再次强调了“过冬”的急迫性。
- In fact, what Ma Yun brings to the outside is not just " Munchausen " . 事实上,马云给外界带来的不仅仅是“狂言”。
- Can go up in ABAC peak, ma Yun (right) describing he and Sun Zhengyi (left) two Internet " maniac " foresight. 在ABAC峰会上,马云(右)描述着他与孙正义(左)两位互联网“狂人”的远见。
- After perhaps has verified in 2001 Internet froth 7 year itching, perhaps Ma Yun Internet's winter prediction. 也许印证了2001年互联网泡沫后的7年之痒,或是马云的互联网的冬天预言。
- It is in the yurt, ma Yun made Alibaba make the strategy of catenary of zoology of electronic business affairs. 就在蒙古包里,马云制定了阿里巴巴打造电子商务生态链的战略。
- The inscribe person of this mail is Alibaba Ma Yun of chairman of group director bureau. 该邮件的落款人是阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云。
- Ovine wall evening paper: You are to work emperor, how him look upon the between collaboration with Ma Yun? 羊城晚报:你是打工皇帝,怎么看待自己与马云之间的合作?
- But, this has literary world only, sudden sweep a tornado.Because I tell the childishness that removed Ma Yun! 但是,这个只有文学的世界,突然刮起了一股旋风。
- Pardonable, clean out treasure " father " Ma Yun is regarded as chase after like God hold in both hands. 难怪,淘宝的“爸爸”马云被当作偶像般追捧。
- Ma Yun: I feel I had resembled " win in China " the commissioner is same, so how your charities is done? 马云:我感觉自己已经像“赢在中国”的评委一样了,那么你的慈善事业将怎样来做?
- Week rate represents, oneself are Ma Yun's adorer, ceng Chuang makes many statuary work of Guo Mayun. 周率表示,自己是马云的崇拜者,曾创造过马云的多个雕像作品。
- When facing the crisis all over the world, ma Yun feels to should be advocated the earliest " Americanism " . 在全世界面临危机时,马云觉得应该提倡最早的“美国精神”。