- Macalister linea splendens Macalister软脊膜前纤维索
- linea splendens, Macalister Macalister软脊膜前纤维索
- linea splendens 软脊膜前纤维索
- Philip felt that Macalister looked upon him as rather a donkey. 菲利浦觉得,麦卡利斯特把自己看成是一头十足的蠢驴。
- A. splendens is a pioneer plant in saline-alkali soil ameliortion. 摘要芨芨草是盐碱化土地改良中的先锋草种。
- Hanno un proprio veicolo convogli, e la linea ferroviaria. 拥有自己的汽车运输队,和铁路专线。
- The standard applies to the evaluation of Betta Splendens. 1.;这分规范用于评分斗鱼等级。
- The rock of Gibraltar is seen from La Linea in Spain, Dec. 15, 2006. 去年十二月十五日,从西班牙拉利内阿方向远眺直布罗陀岩山。
- lineae splendens [医] 软脊膜前纤维索
- Importa linea cornice di legno, cartone incorniciato business wholesale. 进口画框木线、装裱卡纸的批发业务。
- The Salvia Splendens will bring you luck and keep away bad of Year 2008. 一串爆竹红去除2008年旧的、坏的带给你们幸运。
- Furthermore, a preliminary system of irrigation on A. splendens in saline-alkali land was suggested. 此外,初步提出了盐碱地芨芨草灌溉制度以供生产实际参考。
- Altrimenti, in linea con il pensiero Roma, potrebbe andare a farsi le ossa in serie B.Lecce? 另外他也有可能被租借至降入乙级的莱切队。
- In hot rolled state the granular linea sulfide was induced to precipitation of banded pseudopearlite. 相邻呈现断续条状分布的硫化物颗粒在热轧状态诱导伪珠光体析出并呈带状分布。
- Agenti ora sono i prodotti: TP-LINK prodotti di networking su tutta la linea, la casella di TV, TV tessera prodotti. 公司现在代理的产品有:TP-LINK网络全线产品、天敏电视盒、电视卡系列产品。
- A cactuslike tree(Fouquieria splendens) of Mexico and the southwest United States, having clusters of scarlet tubular flowers. 墨西哥刺木,蔓仙人掌似仙人掌的树(奥寇梯罗)生长在墨西哥及美国东南部,有管形深红色花簇
- Se amplian las lineas existentes y se crea la linea 5. 并且扩建原有的地铁和新建5号线。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in La Linea de la Concepcion - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 La Linea de la Concepcion 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- The color of Betta splendens is based on the color pigmentation色素 in different types of cells. 斗鱼光彩夺目的颜色决定于不同细胞的色素颜色。
- Erwinia chrysanthemi, Pythiym splendens are classified to middle-risk quarantining pests. 黑条盾蚧(Ischnaspis longirostris)、菊欧文氏菌(Erwinia chrysanthemi)、华丽腐霉(Pythium splendens)是中风险的检疫性有害生物。