- Macaranga henryin. 草鞋木
- Macaranga hemsleyana Pax & Hoffm. 海南血桐
- Don) Sch.Bip. subsp. henryi (Diels) H. 台湾鬼督邮 Ainsliaea latifolia (D.
- Comparison of karyotype of Ormosia glaberrima and Ormosia henryi. 光叶红豆和花榈木核型比较。
- Study on the Technique of Tissue Culture of Henryi L. 湖北百合的组织培养技术研究。
- Objective: To determine of the polysaccharide from Ligustrum henryi Hemslwere. 摘要目的测定苦丁茶多糖的含量。
- Research advance on the propagation technique of Emmenopterys henryi Oliv. 香果树繁殖技术研究进展。
- Study on Anatomical Structure of Leaves of Rare Plant Emmenopterys henryi Oliv. 稀有植物香果树叶解剖结构的研究。
- Objective:Probe into feasibility of domesticating Thladiantha henryi. 目的:探讨皱果赤野转家的可行性。
- Objective:To determine of the polysaccharide from Ligustrum henryi Hemslwere. 目的测定苦丁茶多糖的含量。
- Objective:To study the microscipic characteristics of the rhizoma, root, stem, leaf and powder of Rhodiola henryi. 目的:弄清菱叶红景天的根茎、根、茎、叶及粉末的显微特征。
- Castanea henryi is the famous special product of north Fujian,the hulling problem of C. 锥栗是闽北的著名特产,为开发各种各样的锥栗深加工新产品,首先要解决锥栗的脱壳去红衣问题。
- Results: The brown substance was always found in the rhizoma and root of Rhodiola henryi. 结果:菱叶红景天根和根茎的薄壁细胞内常含棕色物质;
- Resule: The content of the polysaccharide from Ligustrum henryi Hemslwere was 5.5% by the method of refluxing, while that was 1.4% by soaking. 结果回流提取苦丁茶中多糖含量为5.;7%25,浸泡提取多糖含量为1
- The kyryotypes of Schisandra rubrifolia, S. henryi, S. sphenanthera, S. pubescens and S. pubescens var. pubinervis were studied. henryi;华中五味子S.;sphenanthera;柔毛五味子S
- Sphenanthera ,4 species in Sect. Begonia were examined and analyzed B cirrosa (sect. Coelocentrum ), B henryi (Sect. Reichenheimia ) as outgroup. 无翅组 (Sect.;Sphenanthera) 9种 2变种及秋海棠组 (Sect
- Objective:In order to know the effect of extract of PrCl3(ip) and Biondia Henryi(BH)(ip) on unit discharges of lateral hypothalamus (LH) neurons. 目的:了解氯化镨和青龙藤提取物对大鼠下丘脑外侧区神经元自发放电的影响。
- Abstract he chemical constituents of essential oil from the herb of Saruma henryi, family Aristolochiaceae,were analyzedand 5 2 compounds were identified by GC-MS. 摘要用GC-MS法检测马蹄香全草挥发油,共检出62个成分,鉴定出52个化合物,占挥发油总成分的89.28%25。
- The spatial patterns of E. henryi population mostly conformed to clump distribution, and the tree layer could be easily divided into 3 sublayers in terms of height. 香果树在群落水平结构上整体成聚集分布状态,垂直结构上明显分成3个亚层;
- The selective oviposition experiment showed that adult C. trasisa all chose O. henryi first. [Conclusion] The research laid the foundation for the control of C. trasisa. 选择性产卵试验均显示成虫优先选择花榈木。[结论]该研究为国槐小卷蛾的防治奠定了基础。