- Machilus brevifloran. 短序润楠
- Scopolia breviflora C.Y.Wu et C.Chen, mss. 三分七
- A key to the species of Machilus in Sichuan. 四川润楠属植物检索表。
- Machilus ichangensis Rehd. et Wils. 宜昌楠
- Zhang SY,Li DX.Effect of grazing to underground productivity and nitrogen turnover of Stipa breviflora steppe[J].Grassland of China,1997,(1):13-18. [9]张淑艳;李德新.;放牧对短花针茅草原地下部分生产力及氮素周转率的影响[J]
- Yang. 2001.Circadian temperature patterns in two cecidomyiid galls of Machilus thunbergii (Lauraceae). 台湾中部梨园梨树木蝨之多态型及其生物学。
- The study was conducted with two grazing systems of banning grazing,delaying and continue grazing stocking on family ranches in Stipa breviflora desert steppe. 本试验在内蒙古短花针茅荒漠草原家庭牧场尺度上,从植物种群、群落、土壤和家畜的生产性能等几个方面对禁牧、休牧、自由放牧草地利用进行研究。
- The physiological indexes for Machilus lichuanensis and Alangium chinensis were relatively weak among these four species. 利川润楠和八角枫的生理生态学特性较之于腊梅和香叶树,显示出一定的劣势。
- The biological and ecological characteristics, the economic and ecological importance of Machilus thunbergii are introduced in this paper. 介绍了红楠的生物、生态学特性,经济和生态重要性;
- The changes in equity after the company still holds good Pedersen was Machilus electron 1,139,030 shares, representing 1.10% of total shares. 本次权益变动后,佳泽森公司仍持有得润电子1;139;030股,占总股份的1.;10%25。
- My very future of the many athletes Zhengjie, King Sin Yi, Liang, Liuna Machilus nanmu in this Competition will have their own style of display. 我国众多极具发展前途的选手郑洁、易景茜、李娜、刘南楠等都将在此次大赛中展现自己的风采。
- P. topengii, E. chinense, Aporosa dioica, Machilus chekiangensis and Microdesmis caseariifolia are the dominant tree species. 群落的主要优势树种为臀果木、黄桐、银柴、浙江润楠和小盘木。
- This study characterized the storage of Machilus konishii Hay.Seeds at various temperatures under dry and wet conditions. 摘要本文旨在利用不同温度下进行乾湿藏试验以研究小西氏楠种子的储藏特性。
- The top five most frequently occurred endemic hosts are Machilus (Lauraceae) and 81.3% of the gallers were Cecidomyiids. 在单一植物种上的虫瘿排名中,前五名的寄主植物均属于樟科桢楠属,并有81.;3%25的造瘿昆虫属于瘿蚋科。
- Stipa breviflora Griseb. 短花针茅
- The Machilus, Camellia, Ilex and Ficus are the dominant genera and the typical families are Lauraceae, Theaceae, Moraceae, Myrsinaceae, Araliaceae and Aquifoliaceae. 以润楠属、山茶属、冬青属、榕属等为优势属,以樟科、山茶科、桑科、紫金牛科、五加科、冬青科等为表征科。
- The comparative studies on the influence of rotational grazing and continuous grazing on the physical and chemical characters of soil was conducted in desert steppe of Stipa breviflora. 在短花针茅荒漠草原对比研究了划区轮牧和自由放牧两种放牧制度对草地土壤理化性状的影响。
- Conch-Wang Zhen, general manager of Machilus nanmu that 70% of the original urban intermediary business of real estate is on auction support, and some are even close to 100%. 海螺置业总经理王珍楠认为,原来市区大部分房产中介的70%25业务,是靠期房支撑,有的甚至接近100%25。
- Machilus pauhoil is a good evergreen broad-leave tree species with wide uses.It has a high ornamental value so that it is also a garden afforestation tree species. 刨花楠是一具有广泛用途的优良常绿阔叶树种,也是一种园林绿化树种,观赏价值很高。
- In addition to sunshine coast , Machilus nanmu Lin Shui An , Cambridge Water Village single trip to the road toll is worth 10-20 billion purchase of concern. 此外,去阳光海岸、楠林水岸、康桥水乡单趟10-20元的过路费也是值得购房者关注的问题。