- Machine Dependent Data 机器相关数据
- The storing of data in relation to certain machine dependent boundaries. 按照与机器相关的某种边界关系储存数据。
- Location dependent data (LDD) plays an important role in mobile collaboration;the query and application of LDD thus arouse the recognition of people more and more either. 在移动协同中,位置相关数据扮演着重要的角色,对于位置相关数据的查询及应用也因此越来越引起人们的重视。
- Because of the one-to-one relationship between the language and the machine, assemblers are machine dependent, and a program written for one type of computer won't run on another. 因为汇编指令和机器指令之间存在一一对应的关系,汇编语言和机器语言都是依赖于机器的,所以为一种型号计算机编写的程序不能在另一种型号的机器上执行。
- Fir st, dependable data are acquired through experiment of three-phase (variable fre quency variable speed) asynchronous electrical machine for secific inverter fed. 首先,对特定逆变电源供电的三相(变频调速)异步电动机进行实验,取得可靠实验数据。
- The service life of a machine depends chiefly upon how it is being used. 机器的寿命主要取决于它如何使用。
- machine dependent operating system 与机器有关的操作系统
- Note that you must configure SQL Server to provide proper notification to ASP.NET about changes in dependent data when you use the ASP.NET table-polling mode of SQL cache dependency. 注意;当使用SQL缓存依赖项的ASP.;NET表轮询模式时;您必须配置SQL Server以向ASP
- Harvested in April, either by hand or machine depending on the vineyard site, the grapes for this Cabernet arrived ripe and healthy to our winery. 四月采收,根据葡萄园来决定手工或机械采收。但不论怎样,都会保证葡萄果实以成熟健康的状态抵达我们的酒园。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- However, when it comes to application programs, machine dependency is a high price to pay for efficiency, so application programs are rarely written in assembler. 然而,当它应用于应用程序时,依赖于机器的属性是要为效率付出高代价的,所以应用程序很少用汇编语言来写。
- FEATVRES This type of machine depends on manual delivering carton.The slitted carton side is tidy,straight,smooth and non-crushable.its blades can be sharpened by handorby foot. [产品简介]特点:手动送纸板,分切出的纸板不倒楞、无毛刺、外观整洁美观、直线度好。
- ObjectiveTo research the influential psychosocial factors about wive’character compatibility (CC) in order to supply dependable data to psychotherapy and counseling about pilots’marital and family. 目的 研究妻子性格相容性 (charactercompatibility, CC)的影响因素,为开展飞行职业家庭有关婚姻的心理咨询和治疗工作提供依据。
- Many scholars studied disyllabic and polysyllabic words in the ancient Chinese books by qualitative-quantitative method and acquired a large number of dependable data and reliable conclusions. 摘要很多学者对上古汉语专书中的复音词作了定量-定性式的研究,得出大量可信的数据和可靠的结论。
- Functional-Coefficient Partially Linear Models for Strong Mixing Dependent Data 强相依数据的函数系数部分线性模型的估计
- The new grinding machine passed all tests. 这台新磨床通过了所有的试验。
- Oil feeds into the machine through this tubing. 油经过这个管子流入机器。
- Did you get a good trade-in on your sewing machine? 你以旧缝纫机折价换新合算吗?
- You may stop the machine by pushing this button. 按下这个按钮你就可以关掉这个机器。