- Macrocentrus gigasn. 巨长体茧蜂
- So, the breed of Ampullaria gigas can be popularized broadly. 所以具有推广普及的前景,将为西北地区增添新的水产养殖品种。
- How will you get to your office at Mega Giga Industries on time? 你怎样才能按时赶到米嘉-技嘉公司上班呢?
- Giga watts Nd: glass laser system with PTM Q-switching[J]. 引用该论文 吴鸿兴;郭大浩;王声波;戴宇生;夏小平.
- A large South American freshwater food fish(Arapaima gigas) that typically attains a length of3 meters(10 feet). 巨体舌鱼属一种大型南美淡水食用鱼(巨骨舌鱼)一般长达3米(10英尺)
- A large kingfisher(Dacelo gigas) native to Australia, with a call that resembles raucous laughter. 笑翠鸟一种大翠鸟(笑翠鸟),原产于澳大利亚,其叫声象嘶哑的笑声
- A large kingfisher(Dacelo gigas) native to Australia,with a call that resembles raucous laughter. 笑翠鸟一种大翠鸟(笑翠鸟),原产于澳大利亚,其叫声象嘶哑的笑声。
- I chattered cage, a film Zhujia laver, a bedspace apartments Pteria, a string Perna viridis, vibrant Crassostrea gigas. 一格格养殖网箱,一片片紫菜竹架、一笼笼珍珠贝、一串串翡翠贻贝、太平洋牡蛎生机勃勃。
- The histological observations on the developmental gonad of triploid Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas were conducted. 摘要报道了三倍体牡蛎性腺发育的组织学研究结果。
- Methods The intermediate hosts Achatina fulica and Pila gigas and the definitive host vole of A. 目的了解南安市广州管圆线虫媒介宿主密度及感染率。
- Table 1. The values of chambering estimation methods of C. gigas during May to October in 2003. 表一、2003年5月至11月七股養殖區牡蠣殼各項空腔化測量法計算結果。
- Ischnomantis gigas is the largest mantis with 17 cm length in the female and is found in the Sahel zone of Africa. 坐骨螳螂是最大的螳螂,雌性的体长17公分并且只能在非洲的荒漠草原中找到。
- Ampullaria gigas which is a natural resources of shell-fish has much more economic value. 福寿螺是一种具有较高经济价值的贝类资源,近年来在我国南方引进养殖。
- With an angry eye and a cloud of ink, a jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) flees from a diver. 一对生气的双眼,一团墨水形成的烟雾,一只洪堡鱿鱼(学名:大赤鱿)迅速从潜水员身边逃离。
- Objective To investigate the effect of Gracilaria Gigas Harvey Polysaccharides(GHPS) on the thymocytes and splenocytes in rats. 目的研究粗江蓠多糖(Gracilaria Gigas Harvey Polysaccharides,GHPS)对辐射损伤大鼠胸腺和脾细胞增殖的影响。
- Last year Howell Town was twinned with Hsintien, Taipei county, thanks to the efforts of people like Giga Andreyev. 去年豪尔镇和台北县新店市缔结姊妹市,正是吉佳等人努力的结果。
- It seems that mergers of satellite galaxies should be the most likely mechanism several giga years ago. 就目前来看,与伴星系的并合可能是形成厚盘最为可能的机制。
- Definition: Oyster Shell is the shell of Ostrea gigas Thunberg, Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse or Ostrea rivularis Gould (Fam.Osteridae). 本品为牡蛎科动物长牡蛎 Ostrea gigas Thunberg、大连湾牡蛎 Ostrea talie nwhanensis Crosse 或近江牡蛎 Ostrea rivularis Gould的贝壳。
- Last year Giga Andreyev's niece adopted a little boy from Taiwan who has now become the family favourite. 吉佳的侄女,去年来台湾领养了一个小男孩,至今已成为全家的开心果。
- Pictures taken with normal DSLR but stitched to large format with Giga pixels resolution. 用普通数码单反拍摄的照片拼接而成的数码大画幅照片。