- Keywords Mahuang Decotion;Method of composing a prescription;Diaphoresis;Sweat gland;Vacuole; 关键词麻黄汤;配伍规律;发汗;汗腺;空泡;
- Mahuang Decotion 麻黄汤
- It is promising to invest in the Mahuang Industrial Park. 在麻黄工业园区内投资前景乐观、市场广阔。
- OBJECTIVE:To determine content of aconitine type alkaloids in Baoxin decotion. 目的:测定保心提取液中乌头类生物碱的含量。
- Methods:The COPD rats model were made by double elements of smoking and douching Mahuang Decoction. 方法以烟熏法并佐以麻黄汤造成大鼠慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)气虚自汗模型。
- Objective:To observe the effect of self-drafting Xiao-huang decotion combined with protenlin. 目的:观察自拟消黄汤联合强力宁对急性黄疸型肝炎的治疗作用。
- Objective: To observe the clinical effect of" Zhenyaoliangbuliufa"decotion on Knee Joint Osteoarthritis. 目的:观察“针药两步六法”治疗膝骨性关节炎的临床疗效。
- Conclusion: Pishen decotion was an effective prescription for preventing and tre... 结论:脾肾方是防治化疗后骨髓抑制的有效方药。
- If a lot of AHFS and CCO , MD decotion had been taken in long time,the renal function and histology would be injury. 药典法定剂量下单用细辛、威灵仙、北豆根水煎剂对大鼠肾脏无明显损害,但长期大剂量单用细辛、威灵仙、北豆根水煎剂则可引起肾脏组织形态及肾功能的改变。
- Objective: To study the pharmacological action of Mahuang Compound Capsule(MCC) (Herba Ephedrae, Semen Armeniacae Amarum, Fructus Schisandrae, etc.). 目的:探讨复方麻黄胶囊(MCC)(麻黄,苦杏仁,五味子等)的药理作用。
- To observe the clinical effect on arrest of bone marrow after chemotherapy prevented and treated by Pishen decotion. 目的:观察脾肾方防治化疗后骨髓抑制的疗效。
- Objective: To probe into the curative effect and mechanism of action of the Houpu Mahuang oral liquid (HPMH) in treating bronchial asthma. 内容提要 目的: 探讨厚朴麻黄口服液治疗支气管哮喘的疗效及作用机理。
- Conclusion: No macromolecular complex was formed by ephedrine and glycyrrhizic acid in decoctions containing mahuang and gancao combination. 结论:酸碱对药麻黄、甘草在配伍后麻黄碱与甘草酸基本不形成大分子复合物。
- Abstract: Objection: To determine the change pattern of ephedrine and glyrihhzine acid in mahuang and gancao pair medicines and Maxingganshi decoction. 中文摘要: 目的:考察麻黄与甘草酸碱对药在麻杏甘石汤中配伍前后麻黄碱与甘草酸提取量的变化规律。
- Objective Comparative analysis the content of paeoniflorin between traditional slice and dispensing granule Xiaoqinglong Decotion. 目的比较小青龙汤配方颗粒与传统饮片中芍药苷的含量。
- OBJECTIVE Comparative analysis the content of paeoniflorin between traditional slice and dispensing granule Xiaojianzhong Decotion. 目的比较小建中汤配方颗粒与传统饮片中芍药苷的含量。
- The serum NSE content of both the decotion and medicine group decreased after treatment but still higher than normal group. 平肝熄风汤组与西药组治疗后血清NSE均下降,但仍高于正常组;
- Objective:To observe clinical therapeutic effect of Bushen Tiaochong Decotion on anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding. 目的:观察自拟补肾调冲汤治疗无排卵性功能性子宫出血的临床疗效。
- Sijunzi Tang, Mahuang Tang, Xiao Qinglong Tang, Dingchuan Tang, Suzi Jiangqi Tang and Erchen Tang, those are generally used by many experts as basic formulas. 四君子汤、麻黄汤、小青龙汤、定喘汤、苏子降气汤、二陈汤等方剂作为基本方被各家广泛应用;通过古今方剂对比研究反映出用药的变迁与差异;
- Conclusion: Jiawei Mahuang Lianqiao Chixiaodou Decoction can improve the curative effect of Chronic Hepatitis B(CHB) companied Autoimmune Hepatitis(AH). 结论:加味麻黄连翘赤小豆汤能提高慢性乙型肝炎并免疫性肝炎的临床疗效。