- More than 1 800 Mainland enterprises operate in Hong Kong. 目前,有超过1800家内地企业在本港经营业务。
- More than 1800 Mainland enterprises operate in Hong Kong. 目前,有超过1800家内地企业在本港经营业务。
- The unit has also produced a video to help promote Hong Kong professional services to Mainland enterprises. 该处还制作了录影带,向内地企业推介本港的专业服务。
- At present, Hong Kong is the most important capital formation centre for Mainland enterprises. 目前,香港是内地企业最重要的集资中心。
- At present,Hong Kong is the most important capital formation centre for Mainland enterprises. 目前,香港是内地企业最重要的集资中心。
- At present,Hong Kong is the most important overseas listing market for Mainland enterprises. 目前,香港是内地企业最重要的海外上市市场。
- The Panel discussed paper on details of investment made by the Mainland enterprises in Hong Kong. 事务委员会讨论有关内地企业在港投资的详情的文件。
- The continued growth in demand of Mainland enterprises and people has created new business opportunities for Hong Kong. 内地的企业和个人持续增长的需求,给香港带来新商机。
- At present, Hong Kong is the most important overseas listing market for Mainland enterprises. 目前,香港是内地企业最重要的海外上市市场。
- Before the Gala Dinner, a seminar on the11 th Five-Year Plan was held to explore the opportunities and challenges for HK and Mainland enterprises. 晚会前,亦擧行了一个关于第11个五年计划的研讨会,探索香港和大陆企业的机会和挑战。
- Hong Kong, China, the SAR government Financial Secretary, Mr Tsang said, mainland enterprises now is the ideal time for the international expansion. 中国香港特区政府财政司司长曾俊华表示,现在是内地企业向国际扩展的理想时机。
- Mainland enterprises need such services in their efforts to attract foreign investment and to enter international markets. 内地企业正正需要这些专业服务,协助它们引进外来投资,并打入国际市场。
- More Mainland enterprises are expanding overseas. Many of them first establish their presence in Hong Kong as a springboard to the international market. 越来越多内地企业赴海外扩展,其中大多先行在香港设立办事处,作为进军国际市场的跳板。
- With many Mainland enterprises already raising funds in Hong Kong, the idea of allowing Mainland investors to trade Mainland stocks floated here one day may not be far-fetched. 目前已有相当数目的内地企业在香港集资,相信让内地投资者买卖在本港上市的内地股票的构思并非不无可能。
- And Macau SARs. These are important steps under CEPA to facilitate investment. The new policy encourages and supports investment by Mainland enterprises in. 推动投资便利化的一项重要措施,有助进一步鼓励和支援更多内地企业来港投资发展,加快有关的投资决定。
- With the affluent China market growing more sophisticated, mainland enterprises are also keen to stay ahead of the game in the local market while making inroads into the world market. 随著日益富裕的中国内地市场越趋成熟,国内企业一方面致力在本土市场争胜,另一方面亦积极开拓国际市场。
- New functional constituencies suggested by the participants included Chinese medical profession, Fung Shui business, Mainland enterprises, estate agents, property management and security, kai fong associations, etc. 嘉宾建议新增的界别包括中医、风水术数、中资企业、地产代理、物业管理及保安、街坊福利会等。
- At last he touched down on the mainland. 最后他在大陆上着陆了。
- The programs will be beamed to Mainland China. 这些节目将对中国大陆播放。
- Facilitating Foreign and Mainland Enterprises 方便外来企业来港