- Major Commercial Account 主要贸易账目
- A borough of north-central England northeast of Manchester. Incorporated in 1626, it is a major commercial, transportation, communications, and industrial center. Population, 718,100. 利兹英国英格兰中北部城市,在曼彻斯特的东北部。1626年被合并,它是一个主要商业、运输、通讯及工业中心。人口718,100
- You can sign up for a free Individual account, or a fee-based Commercial account, depending on your needs. 根据您的需要,您可以注册免费的个人帐户,或付费的商业帐户。
- It is a major commercial,industrial,and transportation center. Population,108,751. 它是重要的商业、工业和交通运输中心。人口108,751。
- The capital and major commercial centre, Kingston, is situated on the southeast coast. 处于东南海岸的首都金斯敦也是其重要的商业中心。
- The capital of Puerto Rico is a spirited modern metropolis with high-rise beach strips and a major commercial center. 波多黎各的首府是一个神采奕奕、傍海而建、高楼林立的现代大都市,他还是一个世界贸易中心。
- Carlsbad, located between Los Angeles and San Diego, is a major commercial flower-growing center in California. 卡尔斯巴德位于洛杉矶市与圣地牙哥之间,是加州主要的商业花卉中心。
- Major commercial laboratories are now operated in Queensland, NSW, Victoria and Western Australia by the major fertilizer companies. 现在主要的商业性实验室分布在昆士兰、新南威尔士、维多利亚及西澳大利亚等州,由各大肥料公司经营。
- The harbor at Chungking, a major commercial and industrial center on the Yangtze River, is afflicted by serious silting. 重庆是长江岸上的大商埠和工业中心,港内泥沙淤积严重。
- It is a major commercial shipping waterway linked by canals to other important European rivers and passes through a number of scenic valleys. 它是一条主要的商业航运水道,通过运河与其它重要的欧洲河流相连并途经许多天然景色的山谷。
- Huning cities along major commercial real estate projects Ruhu as the current commercial real estate, a major bright spot. 沪宁沿线城市商业地产项目大举入沪,成为本届商业房地产上的一大亮点。
- Huning cities along major commercial real estate projects Ruhu, become the one bright spot in the current commercial real estate. 沪宁沿线城市商业地产项目大举入沪,成为本届商业房地产上的一个亮点。
- Bank, Bank attitudes still unknown, but the general view of OK, the line moves to the four major commercial banks have remained "weather vanes". 农行、中行仍态度不明,但是业内普遍认为建行、工行的房贷动作对四大商业银行有“风向标”的作用。
- Founded c. 700 b.c., it is a major commercial, industrial, and cultural center.The Inner City contains the Imperial, or Forbidden, City. 建于公元前700年,该城市是主要的商业、工业与文化中心。
- On Commercial Account and Cordial Credit 论商业账簿与诚实信用
- Charleston is a city of southeast South Carolina northeast of Savannah. Charleston has been a major commercial and cultural center since colonial times. Population,80,414. 查尔斯顿是美国南卡罗来纳州东南一城市,位于萨凡纳东北。从殖民地时期起,查尔斯顿就是一个重要的商业和文化中心。人口80,414。
- Sure. I took much courses as accounting principles, commercial accounting, and accounting involved in foreign capital enterprises. 当然可以,我修过会计学原理、商业会计、成本会计。工业会计、电子数据处理会计以及涉外会计。
- A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 108, 751. 塞达拉皮兹美国衣阿华州中东部西达河上达文堡西北偏西一城市。是重要的商业、工业和交通运输中心。人口108,751
- Buy latest edition to local Bureau of Finance " fundamental accountant " , " commercial accountant " , " industrial accounting " . 到当地财政局购买最新版的《基础会计》、《商业会计》、《工业会计》。
- According to initial estimation, the four major commercial banks netted 26.6 billion yuan and offset more than 40 billion yuan of debts left by history. 初步预计,4大商业银行实现利润266亿元,消化历史财务包袱400多亿元。