- Make pottery and smelt metal 烧造陶器、冶炼金属
- Ancient Chinese people living along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers began to make pottery and clay figures towards the end of the Primitive Society . 在原始社会末期,居住在黄河和长江流域的原始人,已经开始制作泥塑和陶塑了。
- mineral dressing and smelt metal 选矿冶炼
- Taste and smell are closely connected. 味觉与嗅觉是密切相关的。
- I also took up pottery and wakeboarding. 我也去上陶瓷课和学花式滑水。
- A potter is making pottery by hand. 陶器匠正用手做陶器。
- It is known for its pottery and clay products. 以陶器和粘土制品闻名。
- I suggest you buy some pottery and porcelain. 请买些陶瓷产品吧。
- White pottery and glazed pottery were produced. 白陶和上釉的陶器也被制造出来了。
- The muttonchops were brought in hot and hot between two plates and smelt very nice. 热气腾腾的羊排扣在盘子里端了上来,肉香扑鼻。
- Ceramics, pottery and porcelain of the term. 版块介绍:陶瓷,陶器和瓷器的总称。
- My hobbies are pottery and basket-weaving. 我的业余爱好是制作陶器和编织篮子。
- What method good smelt metal does long tinea use on the neck? 脖子上长癣用什么方法好冶?
- It was cold and depressing and smelt like the cave. 里面又冷又阴沉感觉像洞一样。
- My nose a lot of pore, how to do! Use cure of what smelt metal! 我的鼻子好多毛孔,怎么办!用什么冶疗啊!
- The egg was bad and smelt horrible. 蛋坏了,臭得要死。
- Chinese pottery and porcelain are famous in the world. 中国的陶瓷在世界上是很著名的。
- One ,bend down and smell a flower. 第一;俯下身去;闻一闻花的芬芳.
- In the village, I took a job making pottery. 在村庄里,我从事制作陶器的工作。
- The chief handicrafts of this country are pottery and wood carving. 这个国家的主要手工艺是制陶和木雕。