- Management and operation mechanism are the foundational guarantee for opening and sharing of large equipment. 摘要管理和运行机制是大型设备开放共享的基础保障。
- At the meetings under the Programme, staff meet the management and share their views on issues of their concern in a less formal atmosphere. 员工与管方会见时,可以在轻松的气氛下讨论大家关心的问题,交换意见。
- Taxpayer: if we do not involve in management and share the risk,but we receive income or dividends in a proportion or in a solid amount,do we pay tax on it? 纳税人:如果我们不参与管理,只按一定比例或固定数额提取利润或分配房产呐?
- Based on the web database technology,the management and sharing system of CERN observational data was developed by the Synthesis Center of CERN,and a test run of the system has been started. 基于Web数据库技术,cern综合研究中心开发了cern监测数据管理与信息共享系统,已开始在Internet上试运行。
- Taxpayer:if we do not involve in management and share the risk, but we receive income or dividends in a proportion or in a solid amount, do we pay tax on it? 纳税人:如果我们不参与管理,只按一定比例或固定数额提取利润或分配房产呐?
- Taxpayer: if we do not involve in management and share the risk, but we receive income or dividends in a proportion or in a solid amount, do we pay tax on it? 纳税人:如果我们不参与管理,只按一定比例或固定数额提取利润或分配房产呐?
- Talks between management and unions have collapsed. 资方和工会的谈判失败了。
- It is considered that such a precursor database system is very helpful for management and share of data from precursor observations and is of some significance for study of seismology. 认为,前兆数据库系统的建立有利于前兆观测项目产出数据的管理与共享,对地震科学的研究有一定的意义。
- She's got all her money in stocks and shares. 她所有的钱都投放到股票里去了。
- Web-based Recipe Management System using the Internet, intranet, or extranet to provide the company an easy and flexible solution for managing and sharing recipes in a local or worldwide setting. 是一个基于网络的食谱管理系统,它利用互联网、内联网、或外联网来为一个公司提供一个简便灵活的解决方案,是一个适用于在同一地区或世界各地来管理和共享食谱的设置。
- The stock market got wind of a possible take-over bid and share prices soared. 股票市场风闻可能有盘进出价,因而股份价格扶摇直上。
- Shall we each invest50% capital and share the profit equally? 我们双方是否各出资50%, 并平均分配盈利。
- My bank deals in stocks and shares now. 我们银行现在经营债券与股票。
- Don't be so selfish it's share and share alike in this house. 别这麽自私--在这所房子里要事事均分。
- There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force. 劳资双方之间存在大量矛盾。
- Shuttleworth told us that he created the map because he was struggling to figure out how to best manage and share his social media. 夏特沃斯告诉我们,他创造了地图,因为他是挣扎出来如何以最佳方式管理和分享他的社会媒体。
- Many schools are out of date in using campus network to manage and share the information data and realize highly effective paperless office work. 不少学校在利用校园网实现信息与数据的管理、共享实现高效实时的无纸办公等方面普遍落后。
- The traditional geographic data, which belong to different geodetic datum frames, make it difficult to manage and share in a common frame. 摘要由于传统的地理数据属于不同的大地基准框架,使得空间数据的管理和共享存在诸多障碍,为了实现各种基准下空间数据的转化和统一。
- It is the key element for cluster system of high performance to efficiently and rationally manage and share the distributed computing resources. 如何合理地管理地理上相对分散的计算资源,达到资源共享的目标,是群机系统发挥性能的关键。
- Empathizing and sharing with them? 注入感情然后与他们分享?