- Marcus Aurelius: Oh, Commodus, you go too far. 马库斯:哦,科莫多斯,你太过火了。
- Marcus Aurelius Claudius Quintillus (d. ) 是兄弟 罗马皇帝 ; 和成为了 .
- Marcus Aurelius: Oh. Commodus. you go too far. 马库斯:哦.;科莫多斯
- You've said that you've read the works of Marcus Aurelius a hundred times. 你说过你曾多次读过马克奥里利乌斯的作品。
- Come pay your respects to Marcus Aurelius as he plays his last set in Taiwan. 现场1点起,将由义法厨房提供免费20份美味比萨,送完为止。可别错失难得好机会!
- Puerile they may be,but these sublime puerilities were peculiar to Saint Francis d'Assisi and of Marcus Aurelius. 当然那是一种稚气,但是这种绝妙的稚气也正是阿西西的圣方济各和马可·奥里略有过的。
- Marcus Aurelius, enacting good laws in order that he might be virtuous, is not an attractive figure. 马史·奥理略制定了好的法律,以为这样可以成为一个有德行的人,但他并没有成为一个有吸引力的人物。
- "The gods," says Marcus Aurelius, "have put all the means in man's power to enable him not to fall into real evils. 罗马大帝奥瑞琉斯曾说,“神明们让人掌握有一切方法使自己不至于沦落为真正的邪恶。
- The whole universe is change and life itself is, but what you deem it.By Marcus Aurelius. 有人认为生命是乌龟; 我也接受; 但我怕生命本质是蜗牛; 那真的是.....慢到无止尽的没改变.
- Now if these princes had been as a Trajan,or a Marcus Aurelius,a man might have thought that this had proceeded of an abundant goodness of nature. 假如这些君王是图拉真或马喀斯·奥瑞利亚斯一流的,那末我们可以认为像上述的举动乃是出自十分良善的心田的。
- Now if these princes had been as a Trajan, or a Marcus Aurelius, a man might have thought that this had proceeded of an abundant goodness of nature. 假如这些君王是图拉真或马喀斯·奥瑞利亚斯一流的,那末我们可以认为像上述的举动乃是出自十分良善的心田的。
- It is, however, likely they come from one of two now lost triumphal arches erected by Commodus in honour of his deified father Marcus Aurelius. 这些嵌板为马可奥里略或他儿子康茂德的时期的作品,但浮雕的出处已不可考。
- The Christians, no longer persecuted as they had been under Marcus aurelius, were beginning to win more converts than all the other cults combined. 基督徒不再受到迫害,当年老皇帝这样打压过他们,从此后,远比其他门类的信众更广阔的人们进入了基督徒的队列。
- She may be Faustina, wife of the emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, according to Angela Marinazzo, director of the Provincial Archaeological Museum in Brindisi. 布林迪斯地方考古博物馆的馆长安吉拉·玛里拉佐认为她可能是福斯蒂娜,马可·奥勒利乌斯的妻子。奥勒利乌斯是国王也是斯多葛派哲学家。
- She may be Faustina,wife of the emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius,according to Angela Marinazzo,director of the Provincial Archaeological Museum in Brindisi. 布林迪斯地方考古博物馆的馆长安吉拉·玛里拉佐认为她可能是福斯蒂娜,马可·奥勒利乌斯的妻子。奥勒利乌斯是国王也是斯多葛派哲学家。
- The number of legions gradually rose to 30 and with one minor fluctuation under Marcus Aurelius it remained at that level until Septimius Severus, who raised another 3. 军团的数目逐步增加到30个;除了在马克·奥雷利乌斯治下曾有过小的波动以外,其数目一直维持如此;直至塞普提米乌斯·塞维鲁斯时期;他又征募了另外3个军团.
- Writings at the site led experts to identify the tomb as belonging to Marcus Nonius Macrinus, one of the closest aides and generals of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. 这座陵墓在一场台伯河的洪水后被泥沙覆盖住了,这使得大多数的纪念碑垮蹋但却使优美的装饰,大理石圆柱及碑铭免于被掠夺者和破坏者遭蹋。
- The reliefs are contemporary with the Column of Marcus Aurelius and have the same motif: the wars against the invading Germanic tribes known as the Marcomanni and the Quadi. 这些嵌板似乎是来自于康茂德为了荣耀他那被奉祀如神的父亲马可奥里略,所建的现}人的战争。
- As a neo-humanist, Liang Shiqiu did not receive direct influence of Marcus Aurelius; however, from ethical angel, he did have spiritual tie with Aurelius surpassing the time and special limits. 梁实秋作为一个新人文主义者,虽然未直接受奥勒留的影响,但从伦理道德这一视角看,梁实秋与奥勒留又存在跨越时空的精神纽带。
- Marcus is selfless where Will is selfish. 相对于威尔的自私,马可斯是无私的。