- Countermeasure of the Acceleration of Sustainable Development of Marine Aquaculture Industry in Guangdong Province 加快广东海水养殖业可持续发展的对策
- Marine aquaculture industry 海水养殖业
- The aquaculture industry now provides almost half the fish eaten worldwide. 水产业在提供了全球一半吃鱼者的需求。
- Marine aquaculture can have its problems too, such as spreading disease and pollution to the surrounding environment. 然而,问题并非这么简单:水产养殖亦存在问题,包括病毒的传播及污染周边的环境。
- Sinonovacula constricta (Lamarck), a kind of mollusks, is important in marine aquaculture. 缢蛏(Sinonovaculaconstricta,Lamarck)历来是我国沿海重要的经济养殖贝类。
- The agriculture aquaculture industry now provides almost half the fish eaten worldwide. 目前水产业供应差不多全世界一半的食用鱼。
- As of the day, the northern coast of Fujian Ningde, Fuzhou and other places all marine vessels enter the harbor all the Bifeng, marine aquaculture, all Fishing From the shore. 截至当日,福建北部沿海的宁德、福州等地所有海上船只全部进港避风,海上渔排养殖人员全部撤离上岸。
- Acipenser sinensis aquaculture industry and scientific and technological progress because of the rise, but lag behind because of legal Yuzu. 中华鲟养殖业因科技进步而兴起,又因法律滞后而遇阻。
- The use of medicinal plant extracts in aquaculture industry can promote the growth of photosynthetic bacteria and strengthen the bacteriostasis of other kinds of bacteria. 指出在水产养殖等实际应用中,添加某些中草药既能促进光合细菌的生长,又可增强其抑制其它细菌生长的能力。
- Aquaculture industry will be SU Hai Group broiler breeding bases, three new large-scale broiler farms 3, achieve an annual output of one million chickens. 养殖业将以粟海集团肉鸡养殖基地为依托,三年内新建规模化肉鸡养殖场3个,实现年产肉鸡百万只。
- As of the day, the northern coast of Fujian Ningde, Fuzhou and other places all marine vessels enter the harbor all the Bifeng, marine aquaculture and fisheries row, all from the shore. 截至当日,福建北部沿海的宁德、福州等地所有海上船只全部进港避风,海上渔排养殖人员全部撤离上岸。
- Over the past only grain, coal mining city of farmers, is now vigorously develop vegetables, fruit and emerging aquaculture industry, and built one ecological park everywhere. 过去只知种粮、挖煤的城区农民,如今大力发展蔬菜、林果和新兴养殖业,并建起了一处处生态园区。
- To develop alfalfa forage-based industry for the development of the aquaculture industry has provided more adequate sources of feed, a better solution to the conflict Lin. 大力发展以紫花苜蓿为主的饲草业,为发展养殖业提供了较为充足的饲料来源,较好地解决了林牧矛盾。
- Abstract: Seeking economic growth one- sidedly will cause the eco- environment over exhausted, and that will hinder the development of aquaculture industry which is a system engineer. 文摘:片面追求经济增长,致使生态环境超负荷运转,将制约水产养殖业的发展。
- sediment of marine aquaculture cage area 海水网箱沉积物
- On the World Aquaculture Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, Feb.2000,the challenge and developing direction lying ahead the whole global aquaculture industry were discussed, and the Bangkok Declaration was adopted. 2000年2月在曼谷召开的世界养殖大会 ,讨论了全球水产养殖业面临的挑战及发展方向 ,并通过了“曼谷宣言”。
- Discipline of marine aquaculture 海水养殖学科
- imported species of marine aquaculture 海水养殖引进种
- It added a provision to stipulate that the aquiculture industry should properly use nutrient feed in a bid to prevent over-nutrition. 新法增加了对水产养殖业的规定,要求渔业养殖者合理投放饵料,防止水体富营养化。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。