- It shall make suggestions on rectification to the principal of the maritime administrative agency. 应当向海事管理机构负责人提出建议,予以改正。
- The hearers of a maritime administrative agency include the presiding hearer, hearing officers, and hearing clerks. 海事管理机构的听证人员包括听证主持人、听证员和书记员。
- Failing to make rectification in accordance with the safety inspection opinions given by the maritime administrative agency. 未按照海事管理机构的安全检查处理意见进行整改。
- The maritime administrative agency, as well as the maritime administrative law enforcement personnel may confiscate the fines on the spot. 海事管理机构及其海事行政执法人员可以当场收缴罚款。
- Need to be handled by the maritime administrative agency at a higher level, it may report to the higher maritime administrative agency for decision. 认为需要由上级海事管理机构办理的,可以报请上级海事管理机构决定。
- And be submitted to internal body in charge of legal affairs in the maritime administrative agency for registration and proper keeping. 交海事管理机构负责法制工作的内设机构登记并妥善保管。
- Other situations where heavier maritime administrative punishment shall be given as provided for by laws and administrative regulations. 法律、行政法规规定应当从重处以海事行政处罚的其他情形。
- A maritime administrative organ shall make a decision of approval or disapproval within 30 days after accepting an application. 海事管理机构应当自受理申请之日起30日内作出批准或者不予批准的决定。
- Article 20 A yacht shall be berthed in a berthing water area or a berth exclusive for yachts as announced by the maritime administrative institutions. 第二十条游艇应当在海事管理机构公布的专用停泊水域或者停泊点停泊。
- The state maritime administrative organ shall be responsible for uniformly implementing the administrative work of seamen. 国家海事管理机构依照本条例负责统一实施船员管理工作。
- Where a party concerned entrusts an agent to participate in the hearing, a power of attorney signed by that party shall be submitted to the maritime administrative agency. 当事人委托代理人参加听证会的,应当向海事管理机构提交当事人签署的授权委托书。
- Where a party concerned has justified reasons for requiring postponing of the hearing, the hearing may be postponed for once upon approval of the maritime administrative agency. 当事人有正当理由要求延期举行听证的,经海事管理机构批准,可以延期一次。
- Where the case is not under the jurisdiction of the maritime administrative agency, suggesting transferring it to others organs with the jurisdiction for handling. 不属于本海事管理机构管辖的,建议移送其他有管辖权的机关处理。
- A natural person, legal person, or other organization shall have the right to appeal or expose the administrative punishment made by a maritime administrative agency. 自然人、法人或其他组织对海事管理机构作出的行政处罚有权申诉或检举。
- The principles of legitimacy, openness, justice, and combination of punishment and education shall be abided by in the imposition of maritime administrative punishment. 实施海事行政处罚,应当遵循合法、公开、公正,处罚与教育相结合的原则。
- The documentary evidence, material evidence, and audio and video materials collected in a case of maritime administrative punishment shall be original documents and materials. 收集海事行政处罚案件的书证、物证和视听资料,应当是原件、原物。
- Nor performs the decision of maritime administrative punishment, the maritime administrative agency shall apply to the peoples'court for mandatory enforcement according to law. 又不履行海事行政处罚决定的,海事管理机构依法申请人民法院强制执行。
- A maritime administrative agency may use the means of taking photos, recording the sound, and recording the video, and other investigation means allowed by the law. 海事管理机构可以使用照相、录音、录像以及法律允许的其他调查手段。
- The maritime administrative agency shall keep the sample materials collected as evidence in good conditions; and shall return such materials in good time if necessary. 海事管理机构应当妥善保管抽样取证物品;需要退还的,应当及时退还。
- When punishing a party concerned by confiscating the vessel, the maritime administrative agency shall deal with the confiscated vessel according to law. 对当事人处以没收船舶处罚的,海事管理机构应当依法处理所没收的船舶。