- Scientists have long studied Martian surface features, like ravines, which suggest that liquid water flowed on ancient Mars. 科学家们很久就开始研究火星表面特征,例如峡谷,它们表明曾经有液态水在古老的火星上流过。
- Then I interviewed him in Washington, D.C., after Mariner had sent spectacular pictures of the Martian surface. 后来,在“水手号”发送回火星表面的精彩图片后,我在华盛顿采访了他。
- To reach the Martian surface, NASA envisions an aerodynamic lander that flies down with thrusters to help it descend. 要抵达火星表面,美国航天局设想出了一个空气动力学登陆器,飞向火星地面,登陆器由推进器帮助下着陆。
- Scientists hope they will be able to count how many new craters are presently being formed on the Martian surface. 科学家希望,他们能够计算出火星表面当前形成的新陨坑数量。
- They plan to trundle across the Martian surface searching for signs of water and life. 他们计划在火星地表移动寻找水和生命的迹象。
- But a pretend take-off, an exploration of a fake Martian surface and dealing with fictitious media headlines are on the cards. 但模拟起飞,模拟火星表面的行走和应对虚拟的媒体这样的任务已经确定下来。
- These observations indicate the past presence of liquid water on the Martian surface or just below it but not necessarily for long periods. 这些观测结果显示,过去存在火星地表或是就在地表下的液态水,并不一定非得持续很长的时间。
- The robot will investigate whether frozen water near the Martian surface might periodically melt enough to sustain a livable environment for microbes. 这部机器将观察火星表面是否有可呢该固定周期融化的冰冻水来维持微生物的可居住环境。
- Fifteen minutes after landing, it opened its solar panels to receive sunlight, and soon sent images of the pebbly Martian surface back to earth. 着陆十五分钟后,她打开了太阳能收集板来收集阳光,然后立刻就将多卵石的火星表面的照片传回地面上。
- NASA's Phoenix spacecraft earlier this summer detected the chemical perchlorate, a highly oxidizing salt, in soil samples dug up from near the Martian surface. NASA的凤凰航天飞机在初夏采集的火星表面的土壤样本中检测到化学物高氯酸盐,一种高度氧化盐。
- Taken from 750 kilometers above Mars, the picture shows Phoenix suspended beneath its unfurling, 10 meter-wide parachute, against the much darker Martian surface. 影像拍摄于火星上空750公里处,其中显示了凤凰号悬浮在展开了的,直径为10米的降落伞下,背后则是黑暗的火星表面。
- Without a way to get large payloads to the Martian surface, even more ambitious plans, such as a sample return (let alone extraterrestrial car commercials), are stymied. 如果没有找出方法可以将大量的载重运送到火星地表,即使有再多雄心壮志,例如取回样本的计画(更别说是地球外的汽车广告了)都会充满阻碍。
- Taken from a range of 750 kilometers, the picture shows Phoenix suspended beneath its unfurling, 10 meter-wide parachute, against the much darker Martian surface. 这张照片是在火星上空 750 公里处拍摄,可以看到凤凰号悬挂在它展开约10公尺宽的降落伞,背景则是黝黑得多的火星表面。
- The names were written to the DVD using a special technique, resulting in an archival disk that should last for hundreds of years on the Martian surface. 的名字被写入的DVD采用特殊的技术,从而导致磁盘档案应去年,数百年来的火星表面。
- Water apparently covered large parts of the Martian surface for long periods, certainly very early in the planet's history and perhaps also more recently. 水显然曾经覆盖火星大多数地表很长一段时间,这在火星早期的历史上是确定的,在更接近现代的时期也可能是如此。
- If true, water once held in Echus Chasma likely ran over the Martian surface to carve the impressive Kasei Valles, which extends over 3,000 kilometers to the north. 如果假设正确,艾彻斯裂谷中的水可能会流过火星表面,雕塑出凯西峡谷这个长达3000公里,令人印象深刻的峡谷。
- Experiments designed to detect evidence of living organisms provided no convincing evidence of life on the surface. The orbiters transmitted photographs of large expanses of the Martian surface. 专为寻找火星上的生命迹象而设计的实验则未得肯定结果,轨道器向地球发回了火星广阔表面的照片。
- The study on new and unique meteorite types are useful for understanding continuous chemical fractionation of early solar nebula and horizonal variation of lunar crust and Martian surface. 新的和独特陨石类型的研究以及月球和火星陨石的研究有利于探索和了解早期太阳星云的连续化学分馏作用及月壳和火星表面的平均化学组成及其横向变化。
- The gas might have been emitted from microscopic organisms living under the Martian surface, the scientists said, although it could also have come from geochemical processes not connected with life. 科学家们表示,这股气体可能是生存在火星表层下面的显微生物释放出来的,但也有可能来自与生命无关的地球化学活动。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。