- Your room is a marvel of neatness and order. 你的房间整洁得出奇。
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- The computer is a marvel of modern science. 电脑是现代科学的一个奇迹。
- Remains of the world-renowned Inca culture of Peru. 秘鲁闻名的印加文化古迹。
- The robot is a marvel of modern engineering. 机器人是现代工程技术的奇迹。
- People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land. 在从前贫瘠荒芜的土地上,翠绿的稻秧茁壮成长。人们成群结队前来亲眼观看这个奇迹。
- The stone Man is a marvel of the grasslands. 石人是草原上的一大奇观。
- Marvel of Peru 紫茉莉(紫茉莉科)
- The United States controls 8 0 percent of Peru's petroleum . 美国控制秘鲁80%25的石油。
- How in the world was this marvel of engineering constructed? 这种工程上的奇迹究竟是怎麽制造出来的?
- The well-constructed Briard is a marvel of supple power. 构造正确的伯瑞犬具有令人惊讶的柔韧性。
- For over 60 years, they have performed the folk music of Peru. 他们演奏秘鲁民间音乐已经有60多年了。
- The United States controls 80 percent of Peru's petroleum. 美国控制秘鲁80%25的石油。
- In 1532 the spaniards finally overwhelmed the armies of peru. 在1532年,西班牙人最终击败了秘鲁人的军队。
- This compass is a marvel of natural nanoscale engineering. 这种罗盘是自然界奈米工程的奇观。
- Terror forever. A chilling legacy has been found in the jungles of Peru. 秘鲁丛林出土了一些令人毛骨悚然的历史遗物。
- Flowcharts are marvels of simplicity. 流程图是简单性的奇迹。
- Alberto Fujimori, president of Peru presided over the opening ceremony. 秘鲁总统阿尔贝托·藤森主持了开幕式。
- The tiny buzzing bees are true marvels of nature. 小小身躯、嗡嗡叫的蜜蜂确实是大自然的奇观。
- The flame met the earthen lamp in me,and what a great marvel of light! 火焰和我内在的瓦灯相遇,多么惊奇的光啊!