- Marxist theory of sinolization 马克思主义中国化
- Such is the Marxist theory of knowledge. 这就是马克思主义的认识论。
- Marxist theory of right is scientific and helpful . 马克思主义的权利理论是科学的权利论,蕴含着极为丰富分内容。
- Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory. 列宁顽强地为维护马克思主义学说的纯洁性而战斗。
- According to the Marxist theory of the state, the army is the chief component of state power. 从马克思主义关于国家学说的观点看来,军队是国家政权的主要成分。
- According to the Marxist theory of the state,the army is the chief component of state power. 从马克思主义关于国家学说的观点看来,军队是国家政权的主要成分。
- Marxist theory of productivity is not one of one-sided determinism, nor of “omnipotence of productivity”. 马克思主义生产力理论不是片面的决定论,也不是“生产力万能”论。
- The passage depicts Marxist theory of communication and Habermas theory of communication. 摘要分别对马克思“交往”理论与哈贝马斯“交往”观进行了阐述。
- We should combine the Marxist theory of worker's movements with the actual condition of workers' movements in China. 我们要把马克思主义工运理论和中国工运的实际情况结合起来。
- This not only leads variety to Marxism and promotes Marxist theory of development, but also directs China onto a way of sustainability. 这一重要思想不仅丰富和发展了马克思主义的发展理论,而且指导我国走上了可持续发展道路。
- It is an essential prerequisite to study the core of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' theory of law for the study of Marxist theory of law. 对马克思恩格斯法学理论内核的研究是进行马克思主义法律思想研究的必要前提。
- Marxist theory of human development, abundantly and profoundly, is also a continuous advancing process on the base of practice. 马克思主义人的发展理论内容丰富而深刻,同时也是一个以实践为基础的不断发展过程。
- Abstract: It is unilateral to comprehend Marxist theory of practice in ontological context or in methodology of historical materialism. 文章摘要: 对马克思的实践思想,仅从本体论的意义上去理解,或者仅从历史唯物主义方法论的意义上去理解,都是片面的。
- But there is a problem that the traditional Marxist theory of law have always inclined to deny law as the normative, which makes it difficult to accomplish this work. 而传统马克思主义法律理论对法律规范意义的一贯抛弃态度,是实现话语转换的困难所在。
- Jean Piaget's genetic empirism reveals the universal course of individual children gaining their common knowledge so that it enriches and verifies Marxist theory of cognition. 皮亚杰的“发生认识论”揭示了儿童个体获得普遍必然性认识的原因,丰富和证实了马克思主义的认识理论。
- And therefore, Marxist theory of fetishism is of practical significance in guiding us to take effective measures to lessen the bad influence of fetishism. 因此,马克思的拜物教理论对于我们在拜物教存在情况下采取有效措施克服其消极影响有着重要的现实参考意义。
- Leon Trotsky noticed him in passing; Nikolai Lenin, who had first met him in 1905 in Finland, set him to work writing an article on the Marxist theory of governing minorities. 利昂.;托洛茨基顺便提到了他;乌里扬诺夫
- Therefore, the Marxist Theory of Labor Value still constitutes the theoretical basis for China taking part in international economy activity after entering WTO. 因此,马克思所阐述的劳动价值论仍然是指导我国加入WTO后进行国际经济活动的理论基础。
- This article also explores "the view of scientific development", which is the hankering pursuit for Marxist theory of highest stage of human development. 这是一重大的选项与转折。本文指出,科学发展观是对马克思人类发展第三(最高)阶段的向往与追求。
- There are three different views about Marxist theory of ontology in contemporary Chinese Marxist studies: Ontology of matter, ontology of praxis and ontology of social being. 摘要在当代中国,人们对马克思主义哲学本体论的诠释主要有三种见解,即物质本体论、实践本体论和社会存在本体论。