- Massachusetts General Hosprlal 麻萨诸塞州总医院
- The research was led by Dr. Hans C.Breiter of Massachusetts General Hospital. 实验由来自马萨诸塞总医院汉斯-布莱特博士牵头进行。
- The research was led by Dr. Hans C. Breiter of massachusetts General Hospital. 实验由来自马萨诸塞总医院汉斯-布莱特博士牵头进行。
- I was sent by ambulance an hour north to Massachusetts General Hospital. 我被送上救护车,并开了一个小时到北麻省总医院。
- Amin Arnaout, chief of nephrology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. 症状表现为癫痫、昏迷、呼吸不畅,甚至死亡。
- The Martino Center for Biomedical Imaging is a research center based in the Department of Radiology of the Massachusetts General Hospital. 磁共振成像中心是麻省州立医院放射医学系一个生物医学成像的研究中心。
- Rudolph Tanzi, a geneticist at Massachusetts General Hospital, believes this “sucks the life out of young investigators with sharp ideas. 马萨诸塞州综合医院的遗传学家鲁道夫坦齐认为这些“将有着敏锐思维的年轻研究人员的生命耗尽了”。
- Lewis Holmes, director of the North American Antiepileptic Disease Pregnancy Registry, based at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. 其的主要根据来源于波士顿曼彻斯特医院。
- A team from Massachusetts General Hospital and Sweden's Lund University studied how effective the biomarkers are as predictors. 来自麻萨诸塞州普通医院和瑞典隆德大学现在研究生物标记物室如何有效的,正如预测者所预测的那样。
- Posada held on for the out and remained in the game, but he was sent to Massachusetts General Hospital for a precautionary examination after it ended. 厚黑撑了下来,拿到这个出局数,而且留在场上继续比赛,但他赛后被送到麻萨诸塞综合医院做预防性的检查。
- Dr. David Sachs is a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital. "We essentially fool the immune system into thinking the donor's organ is part of one's own body. David Sachs博士是马萨诸塞州综合医院的一名内科医生。“我们要从根本上让免疫系统认为捐赠的器官就是他自身的一部分。
- Ronald Kahn and his colleagues at the Joslin Diabetes Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Brigham and Women's Hospital. 科学家很久以前就在这些病人的影像中注意到了棕色脂肪的活跃活动。只是当时不知道它为何物。
- The team of international researchers, based at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston, say BH4 levels might also determine a person's vulnerability to chronic pain. 以哈佛大学附属麻省总医院(MGH)为基础的国际研究团队说四氢生物蝶呤(BH4)的水平也决定人忍受慢性疼痛得脆弱性。
- Massachusetts General Hospital(MGH) is an affiliated teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School and is also one of the oldest hospital in the United States. 麻萨诸塞州总医院是哈佛大学医学院的附属教学医院,是全美历史最悠久的医院之一。
- But Michael Jaff, medical director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Vascular Center in Boston, says “coronary stents have revolutionized patient care. 在接受一般血管支架的心脏疾病患者中,约有30%25会产生再狭窄的症状,而含有药物的支架产生再狭窄的比例低于10%25。
- After completing my NLRB internship, I took a position at Massachusetts General Hospital to broaden my practical skills while finishing my pre-medical requirements. 在NLRB实习完后,我进入了马萨诸塞州的综合医院。在那我完成了医学院预科要求。同时也大开眼界并提高了我的实践技能。
- A team from Cardiovascular Massachusetts General Hospital and Sweden's Lund University studied how effective the bill markers biomarkers are as predicterspredictors. 麻萨诸塞州综合医院和瑞士兰德大学联合成立了一个研究小组,该小组对标志物预测疾病的有效性进行了研究。
- Two geneticists at Massachusetts General Hospital, Lars Bertram and Rudolph Tanzi, have tried to bring order to this confused field by combining the data from many studies. 来自马萨诸塞州综合医院的LarsBertram和RudolphTanzi试图通过综合许多资料,使得这个充满争议的领域达到共识。
- To expand on that research, Ascherio, Michael Schwarzschild of the Massachusetts General Hospital and their colleagues studied 800 people with mild Parkinson's. 研究小组通过统计分析发现那些具有很高尿酸水平的人疾病进程缓慢。
- "You're committed to that treatment plan until you die," says Thomas Dodson, associate professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital. 马萨诸塞州立医院口腔科副教授托马斯达德森表示“假如你决定保留智齿,那你就必须终其一生都那样悉心保养你的智齿。”