- Material Transportation Bureau 材料运输局
- Tokyo all the transportation bureau on 8, protect concerning 77 set farmlands of 1483 sets with exit horizontal seat and on all sides seat for the usage forbade. 东京都交通局 8 日,保有关于 1483 台 77 台农地以太平门横的座位和四周座位为使用禁止了。
- Objects controlled in IMCC-E include workstations, buffer of pallet stations and material transportation systems. 并选择工作 站,其目的是要缩短整个投入产出时间。
- The proposed system can make the decision of ordnance material transportation more intelligent and faster. 该系统的建立能够有效提高军械物资调运决策优化的智能性和快速性。
- Brings in a life cycle inventory model for material transportation,and develops software for calculation. 提出了一种货物运输的生命周期清单模型.;并开发了相应的计算软件。
- The Transport Bureau of the Government Secretariat,headed by the Secretary for Transport,is responsible for overall policy formulation,direction and co-ordination of land transport and ferry services. 香港的陆路运输及渡轮服务由政府总部运输局负责。运输局局长制定整体运输政策,以及指导和统筹有关的运输事务。
- Well understand the principle of lean manufacturing. Good knowledge in warehouse arrangement and material transportation. 充分理解精益生产的理念和模式,了解仓库布置与零件内外运输。
- The Transport Bureau of the Government Secretariat, headed by the Secretary for Transport, is responsible for overall policy formulation, direction and co-ordination of land transport and ferry services. 香港的陆路运输及渡轮服务由政府总部运输局负责。运输局局长制定整体运输政策,以及指导和统筹有关的运输事务。
- The results show that tri-screw has excellent applied abilities in the aspect of material transportation,distributive and dispersive mixing ability. 计算结果表明,三螺杆反应器在物料输运、分散性混合以及分布性混合能力等方面都具有较好的应用特性。
- The basic characteristics and integral structure were achieved based on the analysis of the basic process of ordnance material transportation. 摘要分析了军械物资运输的基本过程,得出了其基本特点和整体构架。
- In the process of material transportation,the packaging reliability plays an important part in the production safety and has great influence on the transport costs. 在运输的过程中,包装可靠性对保护产品起着重要的作用,同时包装可靠性对运输成本也有着很大的影响。
- It is verified in theory that the multiple screw extruders have good material transportation and mixed ability.Multiple screw extruder is fitter for polymer processing. 从理论上验证了多螺杆反应器在物料输运能力以及物料混合能力等方面均具有较佳的能力,多螺杆反应器更适合聚合物的加工。
- Abstract Phloem is an important part of vascular system and plays a key role in material transportation, signal transmission, mechanical support and defense reaction. 摘要 韧皮部是维管系统的重要组成部分,在物质运输、信息传递、机械支持以及防御作用中发挥重要作用。
- From the aspect of material transportation and cycling in terrene-lake system, wetland is the buffer area where sand and mud, heavy metals, pollutants and nutrients are carried. 众所周知,湖滨湿地是湖泊环境的屏障,它对流域入湖物质具有吸收与拦截作用。
- Transport Bureau Public Relations Group Meeting 运输局局长与执行部门首长会议
- With the decision support system theory, the structure of ordnance material transportation was established, and the structure of each subsystem was designed. 结合决策支持系统理论,建立了军械物资运输决策支持系统总体结构,设计了各子系统结构。
- The two sides vow to speed up local railway construction and guarantee key material transportation so as to realize sound and rapid socio-economic development for Gansu. 双方表示,加快甘肃铁路建设步伐,确保甘肃重点物资运输,助推甘肃经济社会又好又快发展。
- Like some real estate developers to make the "bad weather" and "municipal facilities," "material transport difficulties," as a force majeure factors hard to contract Cypriots. 像一些房地产的开发商拼命地把“天气恶劣”、“市政配套”、“材料运输困难”等当作不可抗力因素,硬往合同里塞。
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。
- Projects received by Lands, Public Works and Transport Bureau 土地工务运输局收到的计划