- Matsumura Nobutaka 松村信乔(1915-),日本人,实业家。
- Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura of Japan said he believed in UFOs. 日本最高政府发言人于本周二表示,他相信不明飞行物(ufo: Unidentified Flying Object)的存在。
- Similar irregularities also occurred in industrial Nobutaka, Venter good body. 类似的不规范也发生在信隆实业、特尔佳身上。
- Matsumura, Masahiro. "Inside Japans'Energy Development Politics: What Outsiders Do Not Know. 松村昌广〈日本能源发展的政治内幕:外界不知的内幕〉
- A headless body found Saturday in Baghdad has been confirmed as that of Japanese hostage Shosei Koda, Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura said Sunday. 日本外相町村信孝31日上午在东京向外界证实,日前在伊拉克被绑架的日本人质香田证生已经遭到杀害。
- Matsumura, S. 1917. A list of the Aphididae of Japan, with description of new species and genera. J. Coll. Agr. Tokoku Imp. Univ. , 7:351-414. [姜立云;乔格侠;张广学;2004.;中国新纪录属--斑大蚜属研究(同翅目;蚜科;大蚜亚科)
- E-DESIGN is a landscape design office established by Hiroki Kutsuna and Nobutaka Nagahama in 2000 with a wide range of practice from street planning to courtyard design. DESIGN是由忽那裕树与长滨伸贵合作设立的景观设计事务所,成立于2000年。
- Nobutaka Suzuki, lead researcher of the study. “Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like aspirin or ibuprofen provide temporary help against menstrual pain. “非类固醇消炎药物(NSAID),如阿司匹林或者布洛芬,可以暂时缓解经期疼痛。
- Maki Mitsuo Matsumura Susumu Matsuzaka Jir.Sakamoto Tatsuko Suminoe Ky.hei Suzuki Ry.hei Toyoshima Kazushi Tsuga Shizuko Tsuga Shir.Arita Eisabur.Azuma Mitsue Kat. 主演: Fumito Matsuo 岚宽寿郎 山本礼三郎 松浦筑枝 Shoroku Onoe Atsumi Miho T.;roku Makino 中根龙太郎 Koenji Ichikawa Suzuko Isokawa Mitsur
- Matsumura T, Matsushima N. Endogenous Cost Differentials between Public and Private Enterprises: a Mixed Duopoly Approach [J]. Economica, Vol 71, 2004 (4): 671 - 688. 林毅夫李志赟.;政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束[J]
- Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said one man was killed when he was buried in a landslide in Fukushima Prefecture and the other was struck by a truck when he rushed out of his house in Iwate. 内阁部长町村信孝说有一个人被埋在福田县的山崩地区下面而死亡,另有一人当从位于仙台的房子跑出时被一辆卡车撞死。
- Analysts say leading figures such as Nobutaka Machimura, the LDP's biggest faction leader, and former prime ministers Yasuo Fukuda and Yoshiro Mori are at risk of losing their seats. 自民党陨落的命运,威胁到了其领导成员的议席,这些领导人曾将再度当选视为一种近乎自动化的程序,但现在都竭尽全力投入一轮又一轮繁重的竞选演说。
- Conopi-a liectw Butler and Agrilus mali Matsumura are two kinds of main pests which attack the trunk of some fruit trees which belong to apple genus in various orchard of Jilin province at present. 苹果透翅蛾Conopia hector Butler和苹小吉丁Agrilus mali Matsumura是当前吉林省各地果园为害苹果属果树的两种主要枝干害虫。
- As yet, there is no national data about human rotavirus antigen gene expressed in transgenic plants although there are reports of murine (epitope of NSP4) or bovine (VP6) rotavirus (Matsumura et al., 2002; Yu J et al., 2001). Wang等人1999年将猪源轮状病毒VP7基因改造后在大肠杆菌中表达,也具有很好的中和病毒能力,何金生等人2001年以腺病毒表达人源轮状病毒VP7免疫小鼠,产生较强的体液和粘膜免疫应答,次年彭世勇等人用pCI分别进行VP7、VP4和VP6基因的DNA疫苗研究,结果仅VP7诱导最强的免疫应答。
- Because of sucking and damaging by Tuberocephalus momonis(Matsumura),there were many insect galls on the leaves of Prunus serrulata that affected normal growth and fancy effect severely. 樱花因桃瘤蚜刺吸为害,叶片上形成了虫瘿,严重影响樱花正常生长和观赏效果。
- Tuberocephalus momonis (Matsumura) 桃瘤蚜
- Acanthalyda Posticalis Matsumura 松阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda Posticalis Matsumura 松阿扁叶蜂
- Matsumura indentation hardness test 马氏钢球硬度试验
- Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura 松毛虫赤眼蜂