- Mau Mau Uprising 茅茅起义(1952-1956)
- The camps were set up in response to the brutal killings of white settlers, including women and children, by the Mau Mau. 英国殖民政府设立这些拘留营是为了因应茅茅军队手段残酷的杀害白人垦殖户,包括妇女和儿童在内。
- Jane Muthoni Mara was 15 when she was arrested for supplying the Mau Mau with food. 珍?穆托尼?玛拉当年因为给茅茅军人提供粮食而被逮捕时,还只有15岁。
- Mau Mau, or the Land and Freedom Army, have waited a long time to receive recognition . 矛矛军,或者称陆地自由军,经过了漫长的等待,终于迎来了被国家承认的这一天。在
- He became involved in the Mau Mau independence movement and was arrested as early as 1949, probably on charges of membership of a banned organisation. 他卷入矛矛党人独立运动,早在1949年就被逮捕,罪名很可能是非法组织的成员。
- More than 50 years after it was imposed by the British, the Kenyan Government has lifted the ban against the Mau Mau, the movement that fought against British colonial rule. 从50多年前,即英国还向肯尼亚征税的时候到今天,肯尼亚政府终于取缔了反对矛矛党人运动的禁令。毛毛党是肯尼亚的一支反对英国殖民统治的爱国武装力量。
- When Alice's widowed grandfather begins to open up about the months during the 1950s that he spent bombing Mau Mau insurgents hiding in Kenya's Aberdare mountains, Joseph's pent-up emotion boils over. 当他说到自己曾轰炸隐藏在肯尼亚阿尔戴尔山区的茅茅叛军时,约瑟夫压抑已久的情绪终于暴发出来。
- She says a white officer ordered her torture, carried out by a black soldier who shoved a bottle into her vagina to force her to reveal the whereabouts of her brother, a member of the Mau Mau. 她说一个白人军官下令刑求她,执行命令的是一个黑人士兵,他把瓶子塞入她的下体,逼她供出她哥哥-也是茅茅暴乱的一员-的行踪。
- Lawyers acting for Mau Mau veterans say they will serve notice on the Foreign Office of an intent to seek compensation for human rights abuses for a group of about 10 Kenyans, seen as a test case. 代表茅茅战士的律师们表示,他们将会通知英国外交部他们有意替这一群大约10位肯亚人为英国当年违反人权的罪行寻求赔偿,并将此案视为一个测试的例子。
- Yet despite playing an obvious role in fighting for independence, no Kenyan government has previously been prepared to lift the ban, partly because the Mau Mau rebellion was in part a civil war. 尽管在肯尼亚独立战争时候扮演了极为重要的角色,却没有任何一届前任政府准备废除禁令。其中部分原因,是因为矛矛党的部分人造成了内战的发生。
- The British authorities also hanged hundreds of Mau Mau members for offences other than killing, such as illegal possession of arms or associating with people illegally carrying weapons. 英国殖民当局当时也吊死了好几百名茅茅暴动份子,罪名不是杀人,而是因为非法持有武器,或是与非法持有武器的人来往。
- Have you read the pronunciamento of the uprising? 你读过了这个起义的宣言吗?
- The Nanchang Uprising marked a new stage for the revolution. 南昌起义标志着革命进人了新阶段。
- The king put down the uprising and killed all the slaves involved. 国王镇压了那次起义,杀死了所有参加起义的奴隶。
- He saw vaguely the ship he had deserted uprising before him. 他隐约看见他所丢弃的船在他面前升了起来。
- The peasants staged an uprising against the corrupt officials. 农民举行起义反对贪官污吏。
- In the uprising the serfs fought with bare hands against gunfire. 在暴动中,农奴们以赤手空拳对付钢枪铁炮。
- Anhui Hua Mau Holdings Co., Ltd. 安徽华茂股份有限公司。
- Victor mau copotin topi gw,tapi gagal juga! 休想从我头上摘我的帽子!