- Maurice Pate Fellows 莫里斯·佩特研究员
- UNICEF Maurice Pate Leadership for Children Award; 莫里斯·佩特造福儿童举措纪念奖;
- Professor Pate, the famous phrenologist. 著名的颅相学家佩特师傅。
- He was cut off from his fellows. 他和同伴失去联系。
- Maurice Pate Award 莫里斯·佩特纪念奖
- Maurice Pate Memorial Fund 莫里斯·佩特纪念基金
- He knows how he stands with his fellows. 他知道自己在同伴中的评价如何。
- I only associate with good decent fellows. 我只和正派的好人交往。
- He is that kind of fellow who must be given hell. 他就是那种人,非得狠狠教训一顿才行。
- He is an exceedingly tedious fellow. 他是一个非常令人生厌的家伙。
- He is so selfish that he always places himself before his fellows. 他非常自私,总是将自己看得比别人重要。
- He's a tricky fellow to do business with. 他诡计多端难以共事。
- He always fought shy of the fellow. 他总是避开这家伙。
- A young fellow, dressed to kill, came. 一个穿着十分惹眼的小伙子走了过来。
- Don't talk to me about that fellow. 别跟我谈起那个家伙。
- Jack is a clever fellow in all conscience. 杰克的确是一个聪明的家伙。
- He was a fellow clerk of mine, and a hard case. 他是我的同事,一个不可救药的人。
- The fellow made at me, so I knocked him down. 这小伙子扑向我,因此我把他打倒了。
- Maurice: Belle, I want you to leave this place. 毛利斯:贝莉,我要你离开这个地方。
- I know a fellow who live for year by his wit. 我认识一个人,好多年来他就靠施展小聪明过日子。