- Mausoleum of Xixia dynasty 西夏王陵
- Based on the 146 terms and entries in the Wenhai Chinese dictionary,an analysison the development of the food sciei1ce and technology of Xixia dynasty is presented. 该文从《文海》中归纳、整理出146条字或词条,对西夏食品科技的发展进行了初步探讨。
- The forts of northwest trims the northern Song Dynasty constructed, not only were used to resist the attack of Xixia Dynasty and so on, but also to obvious commercial funtion. 摘要北宋在西池沿边修建的堡寨,除了用来抵御西夏进攻和招抚沿边蕃部的作用外,还具有明显的商业性质。
- It later became the mausoleum of Shah Jahan too. 后来,这也成为了沙.贾汉的陵寝。
- Isn't there a famous Mausoleum of Genghis Khan? 不是有一个很有名的成吉思汗陵吗?
- adherents of Xixia Dynasty 西夏遗民
- The Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor is now a national monument. 黄帝陵被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。
- The protection and exploition of the site of Zu mausoleum of Ming dynasty is on the basis of the field and archeaology reconnaissance. 明祖陵遗址的保护利用,是在野外勘察与考古勘探的基础上进行的。
- Based on the five features mentioned above,the frescoes in the later Xixia dynasty formed a unique feature representing the quality of Dangxiang nationality art. 西夏晚期的石窟壁画艺术是在上述五个特点的基础上,最终形成了具有强烈党项族艺术气质的石窟壁画艺术。
- To guard Liao Dynasty tombs and sacrificial tomb town of Bong, the Mausoleum of the NATO two kilometers west of the valley. 为守护和祭祀辽太祖陵墓的奉陵邑,陵在城西北约2公里的山谷中。
- This is my third time to climb the mausoleum of emperor. 可如此厚重而博大的历史,叫我如何能轻率下笔。
- Take me to look at the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei. 你快带我去看一下岳飞墓吧。
- Xiaoling Tomb, located on the southern slope of Zhongshan Mountain, is the mausoleum of Zhu Yuan-zhang, the founding father of the Ming Dynasty and his Empress. 摘要明孝陵位于南京钟山之阳,明太祖朱元璋和马皇后合葬于此。
- After Xixia Dynasty brought Hexi corridor under control, the trade route between two countries was changed drastically, which exerted influence on the commercial exchange between China and Khotan. 但无论是在尉迟家族佛教汉文明统治下,还是伊斯兰异族文明统治时期,于阗始终活跃在丝绸之路贸易的舞台上。
- The most striking feature of Xixia culture is its plurality, which was closely related with its open policy. 摘要西夏文化一个突出特点是多元性,这与西夏实行开放的国策密不可分。
- It has been the mausoleum of the Danish royal family since the15 th century. 自15世纪起大教堂成为丹麦皇家陵寝。
- There are four iron men kneeling in front of the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei. 岳飞墓的门口跪着四个铁人呢。
- It was not unitl ten generations later that the Kingdom of Xixia was finally conquered by Genghis Khan after a series of five expeditions. 西夏传到10世,成吉思汗5次发兵才灭了西夏。
- It has been the mausoleum of the Danish royal family since the 15th century. 自15世纪起大教堂成为丹麦皇家陵寝。
- Before the formation of XiXia country, Song history. soldier history 5. recorded the stage of the Dangxiang clansman and tribe developing in detail. 实现了统一党项和建立国家的任务:利用中原王朝的加封在其民族中树立起任何势力也代替不了的威信与地位;