- Pass on a stone like Maxine Hong Kingston Xiangu, a stone Michelia if Lohan. 山巅之上一石似亭亭仙姑,一石含笑若罗汉。
- In Asia American woman writer Maxine Hong Kingston's works, there is a strong sense of intertextuality. 摘要美国华裔女作家汤亭亭的作品弥漫着强烈的互文意识。
- Youth, is the tree-like Maxine Hong Kingston's age, a white pony like the age, like the wings of petrels age. 青春,是亭亭绿树般的年龄,白色小马般的年龄,海燕的翅膀般的年龄。
- Maxine Hong Kingston抯 writing is marked by a lavish use of the Chinese cultural symbols. 六、七十年代崛起的当代美国华裔文学则以公开的质疑与抗争为其特色。
- Pearl S.Buck;Maxine Hong Kingston;Chinese Culture;Conflict and Combination;Communicator. 10赛珍珠;汤婷婷;中国文化;冲突与交融;传播者
- Maxine Hong Kingston is one of the most influential and controversial contemporary Asian American authors. Maxine Hong Kingston(汤亭亭)是当今美国最有影响,同时也是最有争议的亚裔作家之一。
- Maxine Hong Kingston and Gus Lee are two of the leading figures in contemporary Chinese American literature. 华裔作家汤亭亭和李健孙是当今美国华裔文学的领军人物。
- This thesis is intended to explore the postmodernist characteristics embodied in Maxine Hong Kingston"s major works. 这篇论文意在探讨汤亭亭的三部主要作品的后现代主义特色。
- Maxine Hong Kingston's short story No Name Woman is analyzed by the theory of feminism, post-colonialism and post-modernism. 运用女权主义、殖民主义和后现代主义的理论分析美籍华裔作家汤婷婷的短篇小说《无名女人》。
- Jade Snow Wong (1922-2006), Maxine Hong Kingston (1940-) and Amy Tan (1952- ) are among the most influential and notable women writers in Chinese American literature. 黄玉雪(1922-2006),汤亭亭(1940-)以及谭恩美(1952-)是美国华裔文学界最具影响,最知名的三位女作家。
- Gish Jen has come to the forefront of contemporary Asian American literature after therenowned writers like Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan. 任碧莲(Gish Jen)是继汤婷婷,谭恩美后又一位引起美国读者和评论界关注的华裔作家。
- Maxine Hong Kingston is the first Chinese American who secures an important place for Chinese American literature in American literary world. 华裔作家汤亭亭是当今在世的美国作家之中作品在大学讲坛讲授得最多的作家之一。
- When the wind and rain boundless diffuse into your head, you never worry, quietly , Maxine Hong Kingston's lotus leaf, bright and clean and bright. 当无边的风雨漫过你的头顶,你从不着急,静静地挺着,亭亭的荷叶,光洁而明亮。
- As one of the prominent Chinese American women writer, Maxine Hong Kingston enjoys a great popularity for her innovative way of writing. 她们的作品不仅记叙华裔美国人的历史和特点,描绘东西方两种文化特有的属性,而且在写作上表现出巨大的创新能力。
- "In fact, video on lotus leaves next day, Maxine Hong Kingston lotus and white lotus, this is a four-in-one, but was born in underwater lotus root, can not see it. “其实映日莲花、接天莲叶、亭亭莲蓬和白白的藕,本是四位一体的,只是莲藕生在水下,看不见罢了。”
- In our country the research lay emphasis on it, but the research concentrates on more specific writers such as Maxine Hong Kingston, and it has no assurance of the whole on development and characteristic of Chinese American literature. 目前国内在这一方面的研究较多,但多集中于汤亭亭等个别作家,对美国华裔文学“文化身份”的发展和特点缺乏整体的把握。
- Maxine Hong Kingston is an acclaimed Chinese American writer .Her books are popular and have been among best sellers for years.Moreover, they have been the focus in the academic circle . 作为华裔美国文学的杰出代表,汤亭亭作品的普及程度在当代美国文坛几乎是无人比拟,她的作品不仅受到普通读者的欢迎,历年来居于畅销之列,而且在学术界也占居一定地位。
- Dong Zhen of the former East Basilica immortal you have five red pine, has been 800 years old, still sticks Qiu tall, Zhifanyemao, lush, Maxine Hong Kingston such as caps, crown diameter of 10 meters. 洞真观东大殿仙人阁前有五叶松,已有800多年树龄,依然虬枝高耸,枝繁叶茂,郁郁葱葱,亭亭如盖,树冠直径达10米。
- Genre and Maxine Hong Kingston's Narrative Works 文类与汤亭亭的叙事作品
- The Oral Narrative Features in Maxine Hong Kingston's Writing 论汤亭亭文本的口承叙事特征